DebugMENU-PD decided to make me multimillionaire?(in game, of course AHAHA) Giant BUG involving $$$$

  • Thread starter Sven_csm
Hello !

I know I posted a threat just yesterday (maybe too long, would agree)
and first I just wanted to precise that im not a fan of attracting attention, creating many threats etc... (Ive been reading forums almost all my life without participating) and want to believe that this is really exeptional.

Going thru the object of this threat,
like the tittle may let you expect, tonight some super weird (but so funny and unexpected) thing happened to me.
After playing this morning I came back tonight to do some few more laps before going to sleep. (Obviously, im not sleeping yet)
I left the last Lobby I raced in and noticed my account cash account balance was GIANT, close to 400M. My mileage point and the rest were intact.

I didnt know what to think and what to Do, so I tried buying some cars and see what happens...
I do not only get the car Ive purchased saved in my garage (for now)
but my credit balance doesnt even decrease.
So I understand that I cannot just only buy all the cars, but also get to keep the same 9 digit balance without never being credited 👍

Thanks PD, I enjoy this sensation :dunce:

Like I said, straight forward, call me Rothschild :D.

I had time to take some pictures and a video.

Before I had the idea of filming, I buyed 3 cars, looked into my garage I get amazed.
Then, decided to quit the game and see if cars will get saved, and they've been.

Took my phone and repeated the process,
fun fact is like maybe you will see in the video, the game crashes at the 3rd purchase. I relaunched and find the cars sitting in the garage waiting for Papi :odd: Ahaha

Ive made another test after that with another 2 cars and directly saved the game, the save was succesfull...

Obviously... this is an horror sincerely,
if this happened to thousands of players (high expectations of that happening)
tomorrow morning many many players would probably have their garages with all the cars available (Not so sad because its already easy to have them all)
anyway... another deception.

After they changed for easier physics, easier Gold Medals etc... Now theres a hidden lottery or something were not aware about yet ? :grumpy: :cheers:

For all those who will intent to acuse me of cheating or getting advantage of this,
I obviously didnt, and Bought cars that I already have. Maybe I would get some advantage selling those cars if after patch I dont lose them, but nothing more.

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I think it's just a credit exception being crossed. Meaning something within the game with a certain break value that the PS4 or GT: Sport wouldn't want to count down when you buy a single car or upgrades. Have you tried earning money to suppress the glitch?
Heres first video,

I was surfing in the menu when I saw a a little blue topic never saw before, saying Debug Menu,
I entered there and was again impressed,
Seems like a hidden menu or a developer area, something like that.

I really dont understand whats the thing here.

Video (in the topic) and here Picture of the Debug Menu Area.

I think it's just a credit exception being crossed. Meaning something within the game with a certain break value that the PS4 or GT: Sport wouldn't want to count down when you buy a single car or upgrades. Have you tried earning money to suppress the glitch?

Yes Ive tried winning money doing races and nothing changes,

Funny fact again, my profile says ive bought 51 cars, while my succes section says 100...

Take a look at this DEBUG Menu section, what are your though ?

Ill post try to post more detailed videos.

Take a look at this, videos comings

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Yes Ive tried winning money doing races and nothing changes,

Funny fact again, my profile says ive bought 51 cars, while my succes section says 100...

Take a look at this DEBUG Menu section, what are your though ?

Ill post try to post more detailed videos.

Take a look at this, videos comings

Looks to be Polyphony Digital made almost the same mistake that FH3 went through. Try disabling a cash function. Those Debug functions are used for devs only I believe.
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5800 kms in one day? :odd:[/QUOTE]

Nice found,
Just have seen it now, yesterday I was too tired to see it.

I really dont know from where it comes, I know yesterday I made close to 2000km, but no 5000, closely impossible.

But I mean... if other data has been corrupted, I understand this can be crazy as well too. Nothin new about the Debug Menu ? Has anyone have had this problem ?

Stil dont know whats happening, im going to launch the game and see the situation.

Looks like not many players affected ?

Edit. Until now everything seems the same than in the video, nothing change,
Still have all the money and the Debug Menu.
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Someone should tweet Kaz, Gran Turismo and maybe Playstation on Twitter about this bug because if this happens to other players they may exploit the game.

Happy to see someone wondering about it as much as me,
im astonished about a lot of people not caring about.
I mean, the reason I created the post is not just for sharing my situation and make some jealous, but really to find a way to contact PD so they reads and see this ****,

Im really a noob regarding this, never something similar to this happened to me,
never faced a situation where my game goes crazy, even finding this developer section, this is unnaceptable for me,
I dont know for you, but having payed for the game the price, I want a working game, is it legit ?

In the developer mode I just tried the XP thing to test, but nothing else,
the xp goes up but doesnt register so you dont level up.

Daniel, can you please give me some way to contact someones from PD from twitter or anything else ?

Thanks mate
I'll tweet them the link to this thread later. If you can, tweet them ( @Kaz_Yamauchi @thegranturismo ) so they can see more people being aware of this problem.
I'll tweet them this thread later. If you can, tweet them ( @Kaz_Yamauchi @thegranturismo ) so they can see more people being aware of this problem.

Finally Im getting used to this ahaha, at the end I think I will just keep it like this and stick to that.

Ahahaha just joking, I will try to tweet him to, thanks for giving me the contact.

If you do it would just be great, thanks a lot buddy.
I was surfing in the menu when I saw a a little blue topic never saw before, saying Debug Menu,
I entered there and was again impressed,
Seems like a hidden menu or a developer area, something like that.
Could you use the PS4 Share function to capture some screenshots of this? It would be interesting to have on the GTP blog, I think.
Could you use the PS4 Share function to capture some screenshots of this? It would be interesting to have on the GTP blog, I think.

I though the pictures and videos where clear enough,

Since nothing has changed, I will take new ones with a clear quality, yesterday I was pretty tired.

What are you more interested in ? Account balance malfunction or the Debug Menu ?

PS, Im not winning any money during races.

Ive tried the best I could, hope you like it.

If you need a good video let me know.

PS. In the 2nd screen you see at the left button where the debug menu option appeared.

What we really want to see is inside each of the debug menu options.

It appears, but isn't functional like some of you are getting. I've been having this game crash for a week now at random times. And so far every time I attempt to go into the debug menu it crashes. This must be why the random crashes are happening. Debug settings internally bug out. I didn't know this existed until I found this thread.
This just randomly popped up for you?

Yep 100% Ramdom.


It appears, but isn't functional like some of you are getting. I've been having this game crash for a week now at random times. And so far every time I attempt to go into the debug menu it crashes. This must be why the random crashes are happening. Debug settings internally bug out. I didn't know this existed until I found this thread.

Interesting to see that youve also the Debug Menu option. For me no crash or anything anormal.

What we really want to see is inside each of the debug menu options.

Theres no sub menus or inside menus, its just like this. Once you click on them sit would Sais completed and that it.

You can get all cars via de menu, Like I said Xp and Miles doesnt work, didnt tried the rest, dont want to **** up my account more than it is already.
Yeah it must've been a random occurrence, did you press buttons in the options menu to show this Debug Menu up? Like the GT5: Prologue Debug Menu one that was found in 2010.