(edit, cos seemed to have lost my opening sentence)
Really impressive times, guys!! Congratulations to the winner, very beautiful lap. Myself, after lots and lots of trying (30+ laps), I have a mid 1.42 (potential time) in me, but just couldn't string a lap together. This is such a great combination, one that really highlighted some problems, both with the game (setup bug) and mostly with me
First off, I have to show a little frustration at the setup bug - the amount of times I went in only to have the wrong setup loaded was far too many. I did cause me to doubt if the car was handling correctly, or if I was driving badly - sure SMS will patch, so until then, suspend my belief for a bit. I did also find that I had to quit out of the game completely and reenter sometimes - as if the track conditions hadn't loaded. By this I mean, I would do a lap, go to the setup screen, adjust and then drive again, only to find that I was 1-2 seconds slower over the lap!! Quit out of the game entirely, start event, load the revised setup from scratch and then nice times once again - these two issues do cause me problems when baselining improvements over a lap.
Anyway, that aside, assuming conditions and setup loaded, I just could NOT get that bus stop right. I was losing about 0.7 there alone. And then the first corner, braking, oh god. Some laps, perfect, others, lockup nightmare. My old G27 pedals might not be the best anymore, or for that matter my feet, haha. Nearly makes me want to buy a set of Clubsport pedals, although, i have no idea if that would make any difference.
Can't wait until the next event