GTPNewsWire Contributing Writer 22,519 GTPHQ Mar 24, 2018 #1 This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet: This article was published by Joe Donaldson (@Joey D) on March 24th, 2018 in the Gaming category.
This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet: This article was published by Joe Donaldson (@Joey D) on March 24th, 2018 in the Gaming category.
adam thompson 479 Melbourne Senator2655 Senator265 Mar 24, 2018 #2 24.95 AU$ on psn Store is a great deal. Was playing before Albert Park circuit and did a race with Alonso classic mild seven Renault . Can’t wait for race later today
24.95 AU$ on psn Store is a great deal. Was playing before Albert Park circuit and did a race with Alonso classic mild seven Renault . Can’t wait for race later today
GTFraker 399 Poland Mar 24, 2018 #4 Juat nabbed F1 2017 for less than 20 EUR, cannot wait to try it out.