Paint Your Wagon With This Week's GT Sport Mileage Exchange Update

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Sort of like how the two exchange cars are always half price and have never ever been sold for their rated full price.

I can see how the guys who've been playing this since day one have 99,999 points since they've bought out the house.
Perhaps all in the Mileage Exchange will be increased to Full Price at the 1st Anniversary !! :eek:
So I buy absolutely everything each week. (Just in case) :cool:
(I just wish they'd repeat all of the Paints from the first 3 weeks, i.e. before I discovered the "bloomin" M.Ex.) !!!!! :grumpy:

Obviously we'd ALL like a wider choice of Wheels, Decals, Safety Cars, Road Cars, Helmets, Poses :lol:.
That would make a great desktop background if it was bigger.

I wonder what happens now since the run of group three road cars takes about 6-7 months to cycle thru them all... it would be great if they brought out another load of group three road cars.
Sort of like how the two exchange cars are always half price and have never ever been sold for their rated full price.

I can see how the guys who've been playing this since day one have 99,999 points since they've bought out the house.

Yes I even bought two Alfa Road cars and 2 Pugs as I love the look of them so much, they just look mean.