In The Red With This Week's GT Sport Mileage Exchange Update

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Gran Turismo™SPORT_20180821111643.png
I'm not complaining, I've not done many races lately so my Mi count is on the low side, I'll only need another 1,000 or so to buy the new paints.
That's odd. Your P6 Chrome isn't showing up as purchased, and it was only up four weeks ago. You normally have the same paints I do - did you miss it?
That is odd. I had to buy the entire bottom row as well and I don't believe I've missed any sans Christmas (Can't recall if I got them then).
As per my previous post on last weeks Mileage Exchange thread...
This has to take the Prize (Biscuit) for the most BORING Mileage Exchange Update ever !!!! 🤬
No new Helmets / Decals (as per usual), No new Wheels (as per usual recently), No new Poses, even though there are still gaps !! :rolleyes:
Both Cars have appeared previously in these Colours....why can't they provide the Evo in say White ???? 💡
All of the top row of Paints have been seen before...

So the Total Result of all of the above, for anybody that's had this Game for a few months is : 6 rather uninspiring Paints in Green, Purple or Grey ! :lol:

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