Here's the Full List of Cars Coming to V-Rally 4

Idk if it's something to do with a certain part of rally games suddenly being a lot easier to develop, but it feels like there are tons of rally games this generation: V-Rally 4, DiRT Rally, DiRT 4, the annual WRC games, Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo, Gravel, and the upcoming Dakar 2018 game. Are there any of these you'd really recommend to this PS4 owner, over the others? I did hear a lot of good stuff regarding DiRT 4, and as far as I can see, Dakar 2018 has potential, too. But I also feel like once I have one of these, getting one of the other games would seem superfluous.
Idk if it's something to do with a certain part of rally games suddenly being a lot easier to develop, but it feels like there are tons of rally games this generation: V-Rally 4, DiRT Rally, DiRT 4, the annual WRC games, Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo, Gravel, and the upcoming Dakar 2018 game. Are there any of these you'd really recommend to this PS4 owner, over the others? I did hear a lot of good stuff regarding DiRT 4, and as far as I can see, Dakar 2018 has potential, too. But I also feel like once I have one of these, getting one of the other games would seem superfluous.

Ive owned pretty much every rally game on ps4 so I can give you my thoughts :)

Dirt rally: Tough nails looks amazing but lacks content.
Dirt 4: A step in the wrong direction with bland tracks thanks to its very limited "Track maker" but has a good roster of cars.
Seb Loeb rally: Lots of content but dated visuals.
Gravel: Very arcady, whole game is pretty much landrush with 6 cars on the track at all times, its let down by a severe lack of modes. Up side is again lots of cars.
WRC 7: Interestingly feels more like Dirt Rally, with very tight tracks and a harsh difficulty let down by lack of cars (less then 20) and a 25-30fps frame-rate. Up sdies are its very sim-rally. Also a whole lot of tracks.
Idk if it's something to do with a certain part of rally games suddenly being a lot easier to develop, but it feels like there are tons of rally games this generation: V-Rally 4, DiRT Rally, DiRT 4, the annual WRC games, Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo, Gravel, and the upcoming Dakar 2018 game. Are there any of these you'd really recommend to this PS4 owner, over the others? I did hear a lot of good stuff regarding DiRT 4, and as far as I can see, Dakar 2018 has potential, too. But I also feel like once I have one of these, getting one of the other games would seem superfluous.

PS1 and PS2 had so many racing games then all of sudden it all fell off a cliff,V-rally gone,WRC almost off the radar,Sega Rally dead,Test Drive Off Road dead and Colin Mcrae rally gone so Dirt could be created.
September 11 release date in the Americas. Does it take longer for physical copies to ship across the ocean? :confused:

So I preordered the game and it says it will be delivered on Jan 2-7. Anyone else’s preorder say this
Does anyone notice the elephant in the room?
Hint: It's a Japanese car manufacturer that didn't make it onto the latest Forza & NFS installment.
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Great to finally see Porsche in a rally game (they were in Gravel, but that wasn't much of a rally game. And the DLC GT3 in WRC7 was... meh), but very sad to see a lack of Subaru, Peugeot and Audi. Looking forward to the 3.0 Safari 911.
WRC 7: Interestingly feels more like Dirt Rally, with very tight tracks and a harsh difficulty let down by lack of cars (less then 20) and a 25-30fps frame-rate. Up sdies are its very sim-rally. Also a whole lot of tracks.

At what points does it run at anything below 30fps ?
I've played this game a lot and I've only ever noticed a slight stutter at the end of one of the Monaco stages and maybe one other stage, Mexico ? The point is it's only for a second or so and that's it. Apart from these two instances it runs at a solid 30fps, as far as I'm concerned ?

@MIE1992 I would recommend WRC7. Being the official game of the WRC its got every country/location and the only game to have the latest cars, including the 2 lower classes and the previous generation of WRC cars. The handling is user friendly, it's really easy to get into & can offer a serious challenge if you up the difficulty. It's not perfect but it's very, very good.
Second to this Id recommend SLRE. Like Jay84 said dated visuals but lots of content. And the best driving physics of all.
Interesting not to have Subaru, Peugeot, and Audi in a rally game. But hey, at least there are 2 other versions of the Citroen DS3 that nobody cares about and the Honda CRV. Lol

Still though, I will most likely play this game regardless.
Interesting not to have Subaru, Peugeot, and Audi in a rally game. But hey, at least there are 2 other versions of the Citroen DS3 that nobody cares about and the Honda CRV. Lol

Still though, I will most likely play this game regardless.

There might be 3 DS3's but they are all quite different to one another.

And there is no CRV :)
Playstation store has an Ultimate Edition for $79.

According to the store you also get 4 bonus vehicles planned as post launch DLC, Ford Shelby GT500, a progress accelerator, 72 hour early access, and a road book and a special theme.
Playstation store has an Ultimate Edition for $79.

According to the store you also get 4 bonus vehicles planned as post launch DLC, Ford Shelby GT500, a progress accelerator, 72 hour early access, and a road book and a special theme.
Only 4 cars for DLC? That's a tough sell for $20 more than the standard edition for that stuff.