GTPNewsWire Contributing Writer 22,498 GTPHQ Aug 29, 2018 #1 This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet: This article was published by Kyle Patrick (@SlipZtrEm) on August 29th, 2018 in the Gaming category.
This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet: This article was published by Kyle Patrick (@SlipZtrEm) on August 29th, 2018 in the Gaming category.
billynotsilly 33 billynotsilly billynotsilly Aug 29, 2018 #2 I got no problem with this. If it brings more people to play, then yeah I’m all for it. If it’s a slow way to jack up future console prices then I’m not down for it...
I got no problem with this. If it brings more people to play, then yeah I’m all for it. If it’s a slow way to jack up future console prices then I’m not down for it...
Crazy Taylor 3,177 St helens, merseyside, England. crazybuttocks198 Crazybuttocks19 Aug 29, 2018 #3 In the 24 month period we will possibly have a new console to play on.
the_boy 174 Milwaukee Aug 29, 2018 #4 I hope it’s around when the new Xbox is released & I hope Sony copies them
I_Leak_Oil 141 United Kingdom Aug 29, 2018 #5 They have probably been scratching their heads how Apple can sell a phone for £1000 but gamers struggle to justify anything over £400. £1000 console incoming...
They have probably been scratching their heads how Apple can sell a phone for £1000 but gamers struggle to justify anything over £400. £1000 console incoming...
UKMikey Premium 18,679 Grea'er Laandan UKMikeyA UKMikeyA Oct 29, 2019 #6 This appears to have come to the UK now.
This appears to have come to the UK now.