Early Access First Impressions & Feedback

  • Thread starter th3o
Hey guys,

So i played for about an hour now and for me i can say that Kunos definitely has delivered on the basis package. The driving to me feels better than the GT 3 cars in AC, the sound is better, graphics are very nice (although rain is still a heavy work in progress i believe). Performance wise the same but for a 0.1.0 version it's okay i guess.

I am yet to test a field of cars as i have done only hotlapping for now. But initial impression are great for me. I feel we really have something here. Physics actually felt very very nice. Playing it only with controller, but i just compare with how i feel in AC. Controller has at this point no rumble effects.

Edit: I did couple of races against the AI and my impressions are still very positive, almost enthusiastic. Driving feels spot on, you can feel the tires working way more complex than in AC, you can catch drifts better, the car tells you better what is going on.
And i am still in awe because of the replay :D - I know it's a minor thing, but my god they really nailed the sound in this game, that you already can tell.

Verdict: Hell yeah!
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I just came back from the gym, fixed me dinner or supper or whatever I'm eating right now.

After this, my very first thing to do was to purchase ACC EA with my Paysafecard and it worked flawlessly.

Steam is installing the game right now. Next thing will be installing my G27 driver again (did a clean install (W10) a few weeks ago)) and install my G27 and pedals.

Ooooo, ACC is ready. Going to start it right now and see how it feels with my keyboard. :D
Initial impressions? Pretty fantastic. I was very impressed with the sound design! Physics felt quite great, a bit lacking on the feel of rumble strips. Did a quick race as-well and surprised with how the AI performed. Quite excited to see where things go over each build!
Well, I'm glad I bought it.

The first thing I noticed is the sound of the car, especially during replay. The Lambo sounds incredible. Played a little bit with the FOV, distance and height. This is very easy to change. But how to find out the correct mathematical FOV, I don't know yet.

Graphics are very, very good but I expected much more from the Unreal engine. But it is still in development. One thing to do before I go to be in a couple of hours is to install my G27 and try again.

Edit: to change the FOV in every camera view, use the space bar/ESC. You will get a horizontal menu where you can choose FOV and change it to your satisfaction.
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I bought the game, played 59 minutes and asked for a refund.
When the car starts to oversteer the FFB is very vague and it is very hard to catch the slide.It's amazing what CPU requirements this game has compared to LFS but still LFS does a much better job in this regard.
I bought the game, played 59 minutes and asked for a refund.
When the car starts to oversteer the FFB is very vague and it is very hard to catch the slide.It's amazing what CPU requirements this game has compared to LFS but still LFS does a much better job in this regard.

It's still version 1, its going to be improved over time with next update. Yeah i kind of agree FFB is vague, but ACC is def a step forward from AC.
Graphics are very, very good but I expected much more from the Unreal engine.

Really? It looks about as good as I expected from a team the size of Kunos. If you put it on 48x time of day there's some pretty spectacular lighting going on at times. At other times it looks flat, but that's kind of true of real life as well in some lighting conditions.

I don't disagree that it could be better, it's no GTS, but I think it's probably better looking than any sim that isn't GT or Forza.
Really? It looks about as good as I expected from a team the size of Kunos. If you put it on 48x time of day there's some pretty spectacular lighting going on at times. At other times it looks flat, but that's kind of true of real life as well in some lighting conditions.

I don't disagree that it could be better, it's no GTS, but I think it's probably better looking than any sim that isn't GT or Forza.

I mean its probably one of the best looking sim's on the PC market tbh, AC looks bland, pCars2 looks okay... but i mean i thought it look absolutely fantastic, hopefully photo mode is decent too.
Initial impressions are very good:

I like the weight behind the car, you can place it really good and the FFB is enough to respond to your inputs. I think for a GT3 car the FFB is too low, but this could be down to individual steering wheel performances. There is no FFB for rumble strips and locking your brakes. Hopefully this will be added in the future, but for a first version I won't complain about it. Having been on a track myself, I can say that if you hit a high rumble strip, you will feel that better than anything else!

In terms of sound I think the first version isn't too bad. The transmission is nowhere near loud enough, and when in the car the ambient sounds and tyre sounds are too high as well. Luckily these can be adjusted, I've brought the ambient, radio, and tyre sounds down a good notch. In cars like these things in real life, you'll only hear the brake squeel, the curbs, the engine, and above all, the transmission.

When it comes to braking, I think this is so far my favourite part about the sim. The brake squeel is spot on, and the reaction in response to heat is pretty good as well. As I said, I think that in terms of braking, a lot of FFB can be added. FFB under braking is something I miss in most sims, as most sims do not appear to have any adjusted FFB under braking at all.

Graphics aren't stellar, but they're good enough for me. Some objects popping up here and there, but I didn't really pay all that much attention to the graphics. For me the first drive was about the initial feel of the sim, and I think it's pretty darn good.

Some things I noted where:
1) during a replay, no data is shown on the LDC display of the car in the cockpit.
2) sometimes when going from a session back to the main menu, the music freezes.
3) no matter what steering lock I use, the steering lock seems to remain the same. I think GT3 cars use the same steering lock as F1 cars, which is 360 degrees, but the car seems to use a 720 degree steering lock, no matter the choice of steering lock in the options; whether it is 1200, or 180 degrees. My T300RS is set to 360 degrees.
To me Assetto Corsa in Early Access looked almost nothing like what it looks like today, so what we see here in ACC i already find great and it can only get better. If you crank everything up and put the sun low, the game looks absolutely gorgeous. Clearly we are 6-7 months away from full release, so a lot work can go into polishing up and optimizing. I actually thought there would be more bugs and glitches to be honest.

Good discussion.

If you felt like it you could go into why you felt like Unreal could deliver much more than what we see so far. The only bit that's stuck out to me as poor is the combination of night, lights and heavy rain. UE4 isn't exactly known for games with highly realistic graphics, it tends to be used for more stylised games. I'm honestly a bit surprised that night and rain have turned out as well as they have, it could easily have been worse.

Compared to something like Gravel that was recently released and also using UE4, it seems to hold up well (limited content notwithstanding). What more were you expecting to see?
Put in about 3 hours since launch and I'm really enjoying ACC. The car feels good straight away and the menu system is far better than basic Assetto (It's not content manager good but I can live with it). A few odd quirks though, for some reason my driver keeps reaching for the centre console and back constantly. It doesn't effect the game in any way but it's kinda funny to see him stroke the wheel every few seconds. Also I can't seem to assign any commands to my keyboard when using a wheel, so I'm a bit limited as to what I can adjust with only 6 buttons.
Also I can't seem to assign any commands to my keyboard when using a wheel, so I'm a bit limited as to what I can adjust with only 6 buttons.

You can use the default keys, which you can see by pushing F2 in race. They're clunky, but I guess it gives you something.
I just did about an hour, and coming off of the huracan gt3 in pcars2, the ffb seems very vague. Are gain and minimum force the only tuning options? It would be nice to have a jack spade like system where I can just download that and let him do all the work finding the best options.

Edit: am reading up on minimum force. Only tried 3 or 4%, so maybe I need to go a lot higher.
I just did about an hour, and coming off of the huracan gt3 in pcars2, the ffb seems very vague. Are gain and minimum force the only tuning options? It would be nice to have a jack spade like system where I can just download that and let him do all the work finding the best options.

Edit: am reading up on minimum force. Only tried 3 or 4%, so maybe I need to go a lot higher.

Gain/Minimum for now. Up minimum 2% gradually you'll feel a difference.

What wheel are you using?
I've tested Fanatec, Thrustmaster, and an OSW have about 5 hours in game.
The ffb is good but does feel dampened especially with belt drive. I assume there will be settings to fine tune in future builds.

In the mean time, go into your control panel set dampening and spring to 0.
Good discussion.

If you felt like it you could go into why you felt like Unreal could deliver much more than what we see so far. The only bit that's stuck out to me as poor is the combination of night, lights and heavy rain. UE4 isn't exactly known for games with highly realistic graphics, it tends to be used for more stylised games. I'm honestly a bit surprised that night and rain have turned out as well as they have, it could easily have been worse.

Compared to something like Gravel that was recently released and also using UE4, it seems to hold up well (limited content notwithstanding). What more were you expecting to see?
I thought that UE4 was the benchmark for ultra realistic graphics and that is something I'm not seeing. There is a difference with AC but not that much.
But I haven't played AC in a long time. I if do, I'll probably going to see that ACC looks better. For now, ACC does not seem that much different than AC.

I'm not talking about the night and day transition, rain and other effects though, only the graphics of the car, track and surroundings. Maybe I expected too much from the UE4 engine.

Don't get my wrong, the graphics are beautiful and literally eye candy.
I played AC over the last days quite some time and in terms of lighting and texture work when you compare the Nürburgring you have in AC and the one here in ACC it's almost day/night difference in terms of quality. Of course the engine itself ist still being worked on. So for example sharpness or motion can improve just from code work during development. If you look at textures however there is a massive step up, also in terms of object geometry etc.
I played now all sorts of different times of day and weather in ACC and am highly impressed over here.
I bought the game, played 59 minutes and asked for a refund.
When the car starts to oversteer the FFB is very vague and it is very hard to catch the slide.It's amazing what CPU requirements this game has compared to LFS but still LFS does a much better job in this regard.
Aren't you being a little premature here? :) The game is still in very early development and I'm sure they'll improve the ffb, since I've seen many user complain about it being vague, especially OSW users it seems. You might regret it down the road when it's fixed and then you'll have to pay full price for the game.

A couple of impressions (only dry sun racing for now):
- No more curbs of death. The suspension seems to tackle them a lot better now.
- FFB is not far from AC I think. Maybe a little vague in some situations and spiky in others. Will have to go back to AC to compare. The way the rear steps out feels nice and progressive to me, and is easy to catch (completely different experience to some others here apparently)
- Sound: awesome
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I bought the game, played 59 minutes and asked for a refund.
When the car starts to oversteer the FFB is very vague and it is very hard to catch the slide.It's amazing what CPU requirements this game has compared to LFS but still LFS does a much better job in this regard.

Hahaha this is fantastic.
I thought that UE4 was the benchmark for ultra realistic graphics and that is something I'm not seeing.

Do you have an example of a game in UE4 that does ultra realistic graphics really well?


I'd say if anything it's the benchmark for ultra stylised graphics, particularly cartoonish type games. Fighting games and anime games all over the place, and stylised stuff like We Happy Few and Sea of Thieves seem to be UE4's forte. Frostbite and CryEngine have realism as a fairly central pillar, but honestly most ultra realistic games that I can think of are on their own engines.
From Aris:

We believe the main issue is that the widely used T500 results very damped and pretty flat in terms of FFB. Other wheels are reacting as we expected (everything can be improved of course) and giving proper results.
We are investigating the T500 FFB issues, thank you for your patience.

Personally I don't have much issue with it, but it'll be interesting to compare after they have fixed it.