Contributing Writer
- 22,522
This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Michael Leary (@Terronium-12) on November 8th, 2018 in the Forza Horizon 4 category.
Cross-Platform Fixes
PC Fixes
- Fixed a bug where some players were not being awarded "Antique Restorer" achievement, despite having collected all the Barn Finds.
- Updated the reward for Winter trial to make the Green Morph Suit clothing item available to players.
- Fixed a bug where players were unable to get their vehicle reset (either through flipping, or missing a checkpoint) during Team Adventure.
- Prevent cars from appearing ghosted whilst in Photo Mode.
- Fixed a bug where Drivatars were all showing as Wristband Level 1 in race results screens.
- Fixed an issue where completing a Route Blueprint event would leave the player at the end of the on-disc route, rather than the blueprinted route.
- Route Blueprint fliers now show "Custom Route" to distinguish then from other Blueprints.
- Added a Report button to Designs, Tunes, Photos, Vinyls in the Creative Hub menu.
- Fixed an issue where some players were not prompted to join the session.
- Reduced the chance of sessions failing to start in Ranked Team Adventure following successful matchmaking.
- General Stability improvements.
Wheel Fixes
- Fixed a bug where changing visual presets with framerate set to >60 will result in mismatch between framerate and UI in-game after a reboot.
- Fixed a bug where users were unable to navigate menus after clearing a custom wheel profile.
- Fixed Multi-USB device saving action map issue.