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This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Gary Slater (@AudiMan2011) on November 15th, 2018 in the Forza Horizon 4 category.
I finally managed to get the spring barn find, I was on holiday the last time round so I finally completed the collectionI'm not a big fan of the fact you need an Eagle Speedster for one of the championships though, they cost quite a bit and I don't have much money left over from buying Bamburgh Castle. Would it be so hard to let you borrow one for those races?
Well.... Yes and no. I have something around 8 full days of time registered in the hub thingy, and still don't have a castle, and only have half the cars.To be fair, money is ridiculously easy to get in this game.
Yeah...No, it isn't. After you do all the achievments and sinle player stuff, it stops. I've been stuck at around 40 M for a long time now. Weekly challenges take a day to complete, so there's 6 days of no content. And no, I don't like to be used as a brake online.To be fair, money is ridiculously easy to get in this game.
Yeah...No, it isn't. After you do all the achievments and sinle player stuff, it stops. I've been stuck at around 40 M for a long time now. Weekly challenges take a day to complete, so there's 6 days of no content.
I can't say I share your experience. I don't have a "one and done" approach towards this game. Even though I've completed everything, I focus on racing in different cars, I have the perks unlocked on many of them, and I do a lap around Goliath from time to time. This has led me to having 45 million credits and 460 unique cars (most of which are from wheelspins) and it's at the point where I'm getting at least a million credits every day.
Clearly, this is all down to playstyle which isn't surprising in a game as open as this one.
One tip is to try to do as much Forzathon Lives as you can in the BMW M6 FE. That’s what I have been doing mostly after completing the singleplayer stuff. Buy super wheelspins from the surplus of FE points and burn the skillpoints from the chains in other cars to unlock cash and wheelspins. Sell the duplicate cars on the AH.It could also be down to how much time you have to play the game each day. I struggle to get cash as I can only play either on my lunch break or a little bit after work. I'm back up to a million after purchasing Bamburgh Castle but that's only because I've been spending my skill points on wheelspins and have got lucky. Outside of that I'm stuck with whatever the long events give me which isn't much at all, even with VIP. That's if I can even find the time to do them multiple times as they're generally quite lengthy.
Ok, so on a limited time budget, spend your limited time repeating forzathons over and over for money.One tip is to try to do as much Forzathon Lives as you can in the BMW M6 FE. That’s what I have been doing mostly after completing the singleplayer stuff. Buy super wheelspins from the surplus of FE points and burn the skillpoints from the chains in other cars to unlock cash and wheelspins. Sell the duplicate cars on the AH.
I played more hours than you but I now have all houses & castles, 450+ cars (all from prizes or rewards, except for 3 cars I bought for achievements or events) and over 50 mill credits in the bank. I only did Goliath for 4 laps (1 the first time and then 3 for the achievement). Never used any of the exploits or cheesy ways to get rediculous amounts of money since doing that that kinda killed the fun in FH3 for me.
It’s a good point. The same can be said about doing Goliath laps over and over for credits, surely that’s not exactly fun either since it’s the same track on repeat. Yet still people do it a lot and they want to know “what the best car is” (note: that’s not the most fun car they ask for). Personally I find Forzathon live more fun than Goliath but that’s because I can just goof around doing my skillchains, and I get to see some other players as well without having to do any effort of looking for a group.Ok, so on a limited time budget, spend your limited time repeating forzathons over and over for money.
At what point do you play the game for fun then? Or is the whole thing just about grinding for credits so you can start having fun in a few weeks or months?
It seems like the anthem for these racing games anymore. Like hey, money is hard to get, so instead of playing the game, repeat a few particular extremely repetitive events instead.
You don't get to play, but hey, you have money while you drive back and forth through speed and drift zones.
On unlimited time it might be a different story.
You had me at unreal tournament.It’s a good point. The same can be said about doing Goliath laps over and over for credits, surely that’s not exactly fun either since it’s the same track on repeat. Yet still people do it a lot and they want to know “what the best car is” (note: that’s not the most fun car they ask for). Personally I find Forzathon live more fun than Goliath but that’s because I can just goof around doing my skillchains, and I get to see some other players as well without having to do any effort of looking for a group.
In this day and age where progression and unlocking items seems to be big, you can indeed start to wonder if people play the game for fun, or just for the progression part? Take FPS multiplayer for example. Back in the days of Unreal Tournament then all weapons would be available at any given time,. Fast forward to battlefield 5 anno 2018, you now have a career rank to grind, a class rank to grind, a weapon rank to grind and soon a seasonal tides of war live service rank to grind. That is 4 times the grind. People applaud Battlefield V for its better progression over Battlefield 1 since it “has more depth and feels more rewarding”. But the core fun should just be playing the game, not unlocking stuff.
Forza Horizon 4 is not innocent either. There are player levels to “grind”, there are cars to grind, all the cosmetic/horns/chat lines/etc to get there are skill trees to grind per car, there are credits to grid and there are Forzathon points to grind. Also here the core fun should just be racing, not unlocking stuff. But that just happens to be where the gaming industry’s is heading.
But to come back to your question, a Forzathon is typically 5-15 minutes every hour. In between Forzathons I do other stuff like... grinding all 3 stars, getting all achievements, all bonus boards, and yes also some fun stuff which is the seasonal events and tuning some cars. I do some races again as well for the fun part but thinking about it, since I play a game like FH4 as a completionist, part of the fun for me is also completing the whole game.
I think the grinding mentality isn’t something limited to recent racing games (or even recent games in general). Ever since GT released 20 years ago now almost every Racing game (excluding PC sims) have had an aspect of grinding.
I thought about it and I'm not sure I can be arsed to buy another Caterham. Guess I'm going to forgo the #Forzathon points this season.TIL that if a #Forzathon challenge calls for a specific car you can't use the FE version you justs spent a ton of skill points upgrading... you have to go out and buy the original version instead.
I'd be perfectly comfortable to aim for forzathons and enjoying different cars. As it is, the races have a bitter aftertaste of having to do it and repeat it, instead of just wanting to enjoy a bit of racing. FH3, I stopped enjoying long ago and still have not unlocked all the cars. I'm not against a little bit of grinding, if you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but the amount of grinding in today's games is way too much.Not only that, but lets be honest: if we didn't have anything to shoot for, then what would be the point of playing through Horizon? So yeah, I don't think the grinding elements are that bad, certainly they are much more user friendly then some recent egregious examples.