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This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Michael Leary (@Terronium-12) on January 16th, 2019 in the Gaming category.
I'm too cynical these days to be praising these sorts of PR stunts. Sure, if they had made the donation & told nobody about it I'd see it as being absolutely genuine if the story came out naturally. However, the fact that they are blowing their own trumpet about it tells another story all together. I'm glad the charity has got a donation, though seeing a company biggin' themselves up over it is distasteful to me (reminds me of the Smashie & Nicey charity sketch).
I'm too cynical these days to be praising these sorts of PR stunts. Sure, if they had made the donation & told nobody about it I'd see it as being absolutely genuine if the story came out naturally. However, the fact that they are blowing their own trumpet about it tells another story all together. I'm glad the charity has got a donation, though seeing a company biggin' themselves up over it is distasteful to me (reminds me of the Smashie & Nicey charity sketch).
I'm too cynical these days to be praising these sorts of PR stunts. Sure, if they had made the donation & told nobody about it I'd see it as being absolutely genuine if the story came out naturally. However, the fact that they are blowing their own trumpet about it tells another story all together. I'm glad the charity has got a donation, though seeing a company biggin' themselves up over it is distasteful to me (reminds me of the Smashie & Nicey charity sketch).
Agreed. This paired with the whole M-Box thing just screams publicity stunt. Like Northstar said, there are plenty of legit charities in place.
I'm too cynical these days to be praising these sorts of PR stunts. Sure, if they had made the donation & told nobody about it I'd see it as being absolutely genuine if the story came out naturally. However, the fact that they are blowing their own trumpet about it tells another story all together. I'm glad the charity has got a donation, though seeing a company biggin' themselves up over it is distasteful to me (reminds me of the Smashie & Nicey charity sketch).
Did you read the article or are you just posting off replies in the thread? The reason I’m asking is because it reads out more like an acknowledgment and thank you to his community rather a boasting of good doing.I couldn't agree with this more! 👍
So many people do charity these days as a PR stunt. They do something charitable then plaster it all over social media like some sort of saint waiting for the praise to flood in. The fact that you have heard about this gives a wiff of an ulterior motive.... and its boxed shaped!
If they made donations without people hearing about it then that's the true charity right there.
Did you read the article or are you just posting off replies in the thread?
You don’t have to answer at all. Not sure why it’s such an issue if it’s you or anyone else? If it’s such an issue to have to explain your point of view then maybe refrain from making it public.And yet I'm the only one in the thread that has to answer, OK.
The bottom line is regardless of how sincere it actually was the world we live in has made many sceptical of such a gesture as too often individuals and companies do it for image reasons and the timing of this donation particularly in relation to them doesn't exactly alleviate those thoughts. Publicly acknowledging it is a good as boasting imo, couldn't send a dm?
You don’t have to answer at all. Not sure why it’s such an issue if it’s you or anyone else? If it’s such an issue to have to explain your point of view then maybe refrain from making it public.
A DM? To who exactly? You’re saying it’ll be better to individually send a private message to the many, many WMD members? That sounds ridiculous. When you get a memo from your boss that employes over 100 people, you’d expect an individual email to every single person? I’m not sure why that would make sense to do at all.
I ask again, did you even read the article? Because many times he talks about this only happening because of the contributions that his community made, not him specifically, as if he’s boasting about his own money and good doings. Not only that, but how exactly is it boasting if the organization he donated too were the ones that are writing about it, and reaching out to him for a quote about it? Did he blast it all over every social media outlet?? Because I haven’t seen it.
Why should I have to? It reminds me of when people get mad that they got pulled over for speeding, but use the excuse "Well, there was other people speeding too!"I don't have a problem explaining my point of view, it was the fact that my post of specifically singled out when you could have just asked openly why those that had that point of view had it.
Oh, so it's what you meant, not exactly what you said. What did he do to make this public? Did he go shouting it from rooftops?I said DM because I use the term openly to describe non public messaging, but anything that's private... memo, group email, etc., based on whatever size of the group that needed to be thanked would have sufficed over public means. That's all I'm trying to say.
What? How does that even make sense? So if someone made public some good deed I did, than I'm the bad guy for it being public because that means I'm looking for attention? Like @SlipZtrEm said, the only place it was ever mentioned was on his personal account, slightly. If he was truly trying to seek attention and get notice towards what he's doing, it would make sense to post it everywhere he can, especially on the actual SMS accounts and website. Is that happening? Who's making this more public, him, or all these articles about it?Yes and I don't buy it when companies that are trying to launch a new console and are doing other attention seeking behaviour on the internet at the same time suddenly donate a large sum to charity, regardless of how it's worded and who spoke about it first.
Again, when the charity wanted to reach out to him... couldn't do it through email? he couldn't have asked for the donation to be anonymous? Frankly, too much stuff which can be done privately is being done publicly on the internet these days because of the 'if everyone doesn't see it didn't happen' syndrome.
Watch out, the Donation Police are going to come after you for making that public.LETS GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT T12.
It isn't SMS donating the money, It's us WMD members.
It was put out that the last payment for our share of PCars 1 would be hardly worth cashing and thus did we want to donate it to charity instead? If we wanted we could still cash it but a load of us (me included) donated.
So there. We donated, not them.
It isn't SMS donating the money, It's us WMD members.
It was put out that the last payment for our share of PCars 1 would be hardly worth cashing and thus did we want to donate it to charity instead? If we wanted we could still cash it but a load of us (me included) donated.
So there. We donated, not them.
Good thing they clarified that plenty of times in the article.Thank you for clarifying that. The news GT Planet headline should've read, "World of Mass Development Donates £48,000 to WaterAid Charity" instead.
You're not singled out, it's easier to get a reply from someone when you post to them directly rather than making an open post.
Jesus Christ this is too much. If you don’t want your public opinion criticized, especially when it comes across as you not even have read the article, then don’t post it. Simple as that. People liked the comment? And you’re expecting me to post to them because of that? That sounds so ridiculous that I’m not even sure why one would even bring that up. It’s your opinion not theirs.But you totally have, even in your subsequent mocking tone you have. 3 people liked the initial statement (that I didn't even make) yet you didn't reach out to them. You said you shouldn't have to, then why ask me to reply (which I have done) and still be asking me for further replies? Sounds less like "easier to get a reply from someone" and more like "eaiser to bait someone".
I've explained in more than enough detail why I agreed with the initial statement. I don't care if they spread it, the charity spread it or the news outlets spread it and I don't care who actually donated the money, it did the rounds on the internet and I felt the timing and coverage of the gesture made it insincere regarding them as a company.
Many, including myself, just take turning the tap on for granted. So well done to the WMD guys, who donated, and to SMS. That's hopefully 3200 extra people with clean water who'd, I expect, still be grateful even for PR stunts!“Just £15 can get one person clean water; and so the money raised by Slightly Mad Studios really will make a big difference to lives around the world.”
So I'm confused, are they the wrong sizes or do the costumers provide Ian withIan is known for not having any respect for his costumers,
for trading some dumb words with costumers, even when the costumer was asking for help and blaming others for his failures.
So I'm confused, are they the wrong sizes or do the costumers provide Ian with
garments and outfits with textures and colors that he didn't ask for?
What are the costumers doing wrong exactly and does Ian perform in theatre with these costumes?
It's the first time I'm hearing about all this, very surprising to me.
Neither is not from any place with English as first language