This Week’s Forza Horizon 4 Season Change: A Tuned Mustang, a Classic Porsche & More

Does anyone else think these 100% completion numbers are way too damn annoying? It means needing to win that dreadful “The Trial” event every darn week which is the most annoying event I have ever seen in any of the 4 Horizon games, needing to do every seasonal PR stunt event (sure some are easy, but some are also annoying), needing to do the daily Forzathon every few days, forcing me into playing PVP which I don’t like to do, etc.

I have a 40 hour/week full time job as well. I also have other hobbies apart from gaming. And I also play other games besides FH4, especially this far into the game’s life cycle (>6 months). I don’t have the time nor the mood to spend so much time in FH4 again to complete all this.

It also seems that the 2 weekly new-to-FH4 free cars they previously always introduced either via a seasonal championship or the Forzathon shop are now placed at these 50% and 100% completions. And for those seasonal championships we now just get a silly duplicate clothing item or a wheelspin...

That’s not even mentioning people who play without a gold subscription, every week and month they will miss out on the 100% completion car I think?

It would be far better if these percentages would be 33% and 66% instead of 50% and 100%. Give people some slack! Horizon has ALWAYS been the forgiving game where people can chill, relax and slack if they want. This 100% grinding or else you are missing out mentality doesn’t fit the series if you ask me.

Anyway, I will probably just get flamed for daring to say something negative about FH4, but the above are my thoughts about it.
Agreed, 33/66% would be a lot more reasonable. No one wants to do all the events.

Yeah, I would even settle for a 75% instead of 66%. The effect of that? Players who do 100% the first 3 weeks have access to the monthly top car one week earlier than other players. Under condition that 75% is still in reach without an Xbox Gold subscription.
not even mentioning people who play without a gold subscription, every week and month they will miss out on the 100% completion car I think?

Yep, no 914 for me, as I'm on XBox and don't have XBL Gold.

I really like the new layout of the events in the playlist, but these completion walls have to go away.

I feel like a 2nd class horizon player, now.
I ran on the Horizon event treadmill for a few weeks at launch trying to earn everything I could, then fell off and haven't really been back.

These "live games" aren't really for me, I prefer to play through things at my own pace (which is apparently, glacial) and enjoy the content that way rather than feeling rushed or forced to complete stuff for fear of missing out. I load up the game now and again, complete a few events, do a story event or two, jump into an hourly Forzathon for a bit of mindless fun and then wander off to play another game. I don't miss the cars because let's be honest here, I've driven maybe 10 of the 200+ I have sitting in my garage.

I'm glad they're supporting it and giving stuff to do for the people that want that type of experience though. Thumbs up, Playground.
The only thing I like about this update is the Festival Playlist layout that displays all the things to do for that season. Outside of that, this is massive step backwards for the game. We always got exclusive cars by just doing a championship or trial, so why dump all this busy work on us to get the same prizes?

Quite frankly, my game time is too limited to waste on the headache that is Horizon 4’s online, so I won’t ever be bothering with getting 100%. As much as I want the Capri FE and the M3 GTR, it’s not worth it. However, since there is a lot of complaining about this new system both on Reddit and the official forums, hopefully we get a change to more reasonable requirements.

Are these cars winnable with wheelspins? These challenges don't interest me.

Unfortunately no.
I noticed I’ve owned the cosmetic rewards for some seasonal championship and one of the week Playground Games, it feels rather unrewarding to play those since I’m getting nothing but a small percentage increase.

PG should revert the unlocks back to just completing championships, it feels too much like a chore to even get 50% now.
The only thing I like about this update is the Festival Playlist layout that displays all the things to do for that season. Outside of that, this is massive step backwards for the game. We always got exclusive cars by just doing a championship or trial, so why dump all this busy work on us to get the same prizes?

Quite frankly, my game time is too limited to waste on the headache that is Horizon 4’s online, so I won’t ever be bothering with getting 100%. As much as I want the Capri FE and the M3 GTR, it’s not worth it. However, since there is a lot of complaining about this new system both on Reddit and the official forums, hopefully we get a change to more reasonable requirements.

Unfortunately no.
Thanks for the quick reply! Also, oh well... Can't have everything, like they say. At least I did win a 10M car with a normal spin about 2 months ago so I won't complain.
Does anyone else think these 100% completion numbers are way too damn annoying? It means needing to win that dreadful “The Trial” event every darn week which is the most annoying event I have ever seen in any of the 4 Horizon games, needing to do every seasonal PR stunt event (sure some are easy, but some are also annoying), needing to do the daily Forzathon every few days, forcing me into playing PVP which I don’t like to do, etc.

I have a 40 hour/week full time job as well. I also have other hobbies apart from gaming. And I also play other games besides FH4, especially this far into the game’s life cycle (>6 months). I don’t have the time nor the mood to spend so much time in FH4 again to complete all this.

It also seems that the 2 weekly new-to-FH4 free cars they previously always introduced either via a seasonal championship or the Forzathon shop are now placed at these 50% and 100% completions. And for those seasonal championships we now just get a silly duplicate clothing item or a wheelspin...

That’s not even mentioning people who play without a gold subscription, every week and month they will miss out on the 100% completion car I think?

It would be far better if these percentages would be 33% and 66% instead of 50% and 100%. Give people some slack! Horizon has ALWAYS been the forgiving game where people can chill, relax and slack if they want. This 100% grinding or else you are missing out mentality doesn’t fit the series if you ask me.

Anyway, I will probably just get flamed for daring to say something negative about FH4, but the above are my thoughts about it.

I think you're absolutely right there.

Also, I do have a gold subscription. I've gone for the 100% this week, but I don't see how I am supposed to do that. Having done everything but 3 daily challenges (1% increase in the season counter for each), I have 89% done. So after doing all daily challenges, I'll have 92%. Where is the rest?

There is also an online adventure in the season playlist, but it seems to be the same for all seasons and for the entire month. Does this also count into the playlist? I hope not, I really don't like to play the destruction derby that is happening online.

The 100% cars are really must haves for me, but with these requirements, I can only hope they will be available later at least in the forzathon shop
The rarest of cars in FH3 (Mini Cooper Works HE) was available on more than one occasion, and I'm pretty sure that this will be case with rare cars in FH4. So if you miss out on one now, there will be another opportunity to earn one later.
So sadly, online adventure does count too. i did the remaining races yesterday. There were 7 in total, I had 1 already. Somehow it amounts to 8% and I have now 98% with 2 daily challenges to go.

But I do think the cars will repeat at some point, too. I just don't like to wait around for that and maybe miss them again.