Does anyone else think these 100% completion numbers are way too damn annoying? It means needing to win that dreadful “The Trial” event every darn week which is the most annoying event I have ever seen in any of the 4 Horizon games, needing to do every seasonal PR stunt event (sure some are easy, but some are also annoying), needing to do the daily Forzathon every few days, forcing me into playing PVP which I don’t like to do, etc.
I have a 40 hour/week full time job as well. I also have other hobbies apart from gaming. And I also play other games besides FH4, especially this far into the game’s life cycle (>6 months). I don’t have the time nor the mood to spend so much time in FH4 again to complete all this.
It also seems that the 2 weekly new-to-FH4 free cars they previously always introduced either via a seasonal championship or the Forzathon shop are now placed at these 50% and 100% completions. And for those seasonal championships we now just get a silly duplicate clothing item or a wheelspin...
That’s not even mentioning people who play without a gold subscription, every week and month they will miss out on the 100% completion car I think?
It would be far better if these percentages would be 33% and 66% instead of 50% and 100%. Give people some slack! Horizon has ALWAYS been the forgiving game where people can chill, relax and slack if they want. This 100% grinding or else you are missing out mentality doesn’t fit the series if you ask me.
Anyway, I will probably just get flamed for daring to say something negative about FH4, but the above are my thoughts about it.