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This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Kyle Patrick (@SlipZtrEm) on September 3rd, 2019 in the WRC Series category.
I wasn't ever overjoyed about being forced to adopt Steam all those years ago, as I was quite happy to buy the game dics.
So - if BigBen or KT Games thinks, that I'm going to add another digital software distribution software to my PC, just so I can buy WRC 8 - then they are sadly mistaken!
On principle I'm also not buying Moto GP now either. I can buy on Steam in one year? Get real! I'd rather see KT Games go bankrupt, that's how peeved I am at this news. They so obviously do not need my investment lol, and guess what, they ain't getting it.
It's absolutely pathetic if you ask me. In fact it's on another level of patheticness even compared to the fanboy console wars. However you load the game, disc, Steam, Epic, Stream, you are getting the same game and same enjoyment. Real first world problem right there.This whole epic game store thing is quite petty imo. I know it's an issue for another thread but seriously? You'd rather see them go bankrupt? That's pretty ridiculous. Ultimately it's you missing out not them.
There are pros and cons across the board, but the user experiences are hardly identical.It's absolutely pathetic if you ask me. In fact it's on another level of patheticness even compared to the fanboy console wars. However you load the game, disc, Steam, Epic, Stream, you are getting the same game and same enjoyment. Real first world problem right there.
In this context I was actually thinking more along the lines of limiting exposure to potential breaches, including credit card information.And I am not worried about privacy. Just by using Android/Windows/Apple/Facebook and all that other social crap your digital footprint is compromised for life. And I highly doubt that a Chinese investor is any less or more nefarious than Google itself.
In this context I was actually thinking more along the lines of limiting exposure to potential breaches, including credit card information.
The storefront may be different and there may be an extra bit of fluff but the experience of playing the game will be the same no matter how you do it. Sucks that your environment and infrastructure is not conducive to decent streaming but you'd be in the same boat if you had a terrible PC, so that's user specific and moot to my general point.There are pros and cons across the board, but the user experiences are hardly identical.
Steam has some features that Epic apparently doesn't have...not that it's a saintly service either. I think Epic's involvement with Tencent is a legitimate enough concern; there is a bit more to it than just being another storefront (I do not see similar complaints about GOG). Streaming is awful for my preferences and living situation, but to each their own.
Third-party exclusives aren't exactly a great thing for the industry (1st-/2nd-party exclusives or console-only/PC-only exclusives are more justified, IMO), and it's a shame to see PC gaming split over what amounts to little more than bits of software, as opposed to economies of hardware-specific development or physical distribution like with consoles. I don't have especially strong feelings about Steam versus Epic, but I'm glad I'm not invested into PC gaming so I can mostly watch from a distance.
I don't agree with @w_a_i_n's estimation of Bigben or Kylotonn -- the truth seems to be that Epic simply offers a better deal in these arrangements, and on behalf of developers/publishers it's about as simple as that -- but I can relate to where he's coming from. I already dislike Steam's DRM (in the cases when it's applied), and I dislike spreading my information around any more than necessary with service registrations.
Strong review from Eurogamer. Think it was the pc version as he mentions 60fps drops at times
However right at the top of the review it states the platform was Xbox One X, so, 60fps ?
I would have to agree with the EG review, the time taken off from WRC 7 has been well spent and it's an excellent title, and the handling is very solid, on gravel its a match for DR2.0 and on tarmac it's in my view better than DR2.0. The FFB on any surface is better than DR2.0's as well.Strong review from Eurogamer. Think it was the pc version as he mentions 60fps drops at times
Yep looks like they've targeted 60 for at least the X. The reviewer kindly answered my question in the comments and updated the part you read
I find Eurogamer careful. I think WRC 8 blows Dirt 2 out of the water in terms of stages, career, force feedback and actual value for money. Which is something that should be really mentioned. This game comes packed with stuff while a few cars are left out as DLC, while DR2 is build completely around selling season passes and year passes and so on. I think Kylotonn should deserve a lot of praise here.
I don't think it's regrettable in the least....Sucks that your environment and infrastructure is not conducive to decent streaming but you'd be in the same boat if you had a terrible PC, so that's user specific and moot to my general point.
Once again, the comment I was replying to was '#nosteamnobuy'. As I said, your concerns about DRM, privacy, end of service are all legitimate but have no bearing on an individual getting a monk on because it's available on one storefront but not another.I don't think it's regrettable in the least.I want nothing to do with streaming, which is part of the point -- the user/consumer experience is very different, from dreadful latency (Google is lying) to the complete surrender of the rights to play games offline, to keep them on a hard drive after storefront service has ended, or to resell or lend/borrow a physical copy. But that's another topic.
In short, I don't think it's a "first world problem" to decide how you want to play your games or where to spend your money on them. Going so far as to boycott the game...then yeah, it's his loss.
I got one question about this game: rewinds available or not?
This whole epic game store thing is quite petty imo. I know it's an issue for another thread but seriously? You'd rather see them go bankrupt? That's pretty ridiculous. Ultimately it's you missing out not them.