McLaren 600LT Coming to Forza Horizon 4; Series 14 Details Later Today

It's a 50% festival playlist completion award for summer. Also, the 599 XX E is an award for a seasonal event. The VW I.D. R is an autumn TRIAL award (BOO!!!). The 720S Spider is another seasonal award.
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It's a 50% festival playlist completion award for summer. Also, the 599 XX E is an award for a seasonal event. The VW I.D. R is an autumn TRIAL award (BOO!!!). The 720S Spider is another seasonal award.
Just as much as I dislike trial events, eventually those rewards pop up in other obtainable ways as well. PG sure did a great job so far in FH4 to not create unicorns but have new cars pop up again regularly. I missed that AMC Rebel The Machine in June because I was on holidays and just over a month later or so, I snagged it off a Forzathon shop.

Having that said, trial events still suck.
I actually had way more fun on the Trial events than I thought I was going to. Our team of randos won them both 2-1 first time out for the two I did (specifically for the two recent 917s). I can definitely see where they might be frustrating for some though, especially when the final race of this week's was the freaking Goliath... so many opportunities for human error there.
I've had way more frustrating experiences with Playground events than I've had with Trial events. Not sure why the latter is always disliked so much.
I've had way more frustrating experiences with Playground events than I've had with Trial events. Not sure why the latter is always disliked so much.
Trials require co-operation and 95% of the time we end up with a bunch of incompetent 🤬 disguised as players on our team. The fact that the AI Drivatars also somehow go mental doesn't help the case either.
When ever I do a Trial event people in my team are all ways drifting and messing about:mad: I certainly don't look forward to doing the Monthly Trials and this season there three I have to do!!
Trials require co-operation and 95% of the time we end up with a bunch of incompetent 🤬 disguised as players on our team. The fact that the AI Drivatars also somehow go mental doesn't help the case either.
I'm sorry you had such a bad luck. I have been doing a lot of Trials and had one of the most fun races in it. I even prefer Trials over Adventure now. But I heard the Autumn Trial will be a S2 class so I'm afraid it will be a pain finding a decent team.
Trials require co-operation and 95% of the time we end up with a bunch of incompetent 🤬 disguised as players on our team. The fact that the AI Drivatars also somehow go mental doesn't help the case either.

Trials do not require cooperation. They require clean racing. Playground events, on there other hand, require ccoperation.
I only do trials if I want a 80% car, and only if I can't afford it through the AH. Otherwise, it is not worth the pain. It's supposed to be a team race, but everyone feels the need to ram you off the road for some (very stupid) reason, or rage quit when they can't be in 1st. I don't think it's worth it for this car. It's another modern McLaren that looks just like the other half-dozen modern McLaren cars. I do admit, it is probably the best-looking one so far though.

These S cars in-game are not very versatile. IMHO best class will always be anything between C and A, which is where I feel the real enjoyment and variety is.
It's supposed to be a team race, but everyone feels the need to ram you off the road for some (very stupid) reason...

It happens, but not everyone is dumb or careless like that. At least not in my experience.

...or rage quit when they can't be in 1st.

I find it's only the back markers without any points that tend to quit. In fact, losing incompetent team mates to quitting is often the best that can happen, because the entire pack of AI cars won't earn points from beating them.
Every time I've done the Trial, it has taken me like three attempts at most - and usually you can tell if you're wasting your time after the first event.

Not ideal, but not enough that I hate it. And when it's fun, it's really fun.
usually you can tell if you're wasting your time after the first event.
In my experience, the first event is usually a throwaway and the most likely race to lose, then the impatient quitters drop out, and in the second race you see what you're really left with. As long as there's at least one good player left for each bad player in race 2, you're pretty well set.
I mean I can usually ace the trial if I take fast car and 4wd swap it and then add suspension upgrades. It worked for the Shelby I made a few weeks ago, it was unstoppable.
S2 Trials usually suck, people can't handle the cars. Not even the Drivatars can sometimes. It's done to make things hard rather than fun.

I don't have so much of an issue with the difficulty as with the timed aspect of the event, but others do and it's unfair they can't get the car unless they purchase from others or party with competent drivers, who think of slower drivers as a handicap in such events. Most of my Trial wins came from slower drivers giving up, which is not how the mode is supposed to work at all.

Any fun you can have in a Trial, you probably could in any other online race. I did quite a few races in Horizon, mainly to get ranked, and many of them were better than most Trials.

Generally, people aren't good team players in Trials and are willing to risk victory to finish ahead of you. I suspect some could even be trolls who ram you so that you can't win the prize.

I think, for the most part, FH4 was a failed social experiment. The Forza community isn't ready for cooperation. This game was intended as a team-based effort, but the community simply didn't get it.

So now we have FFA Adventure, yet Playground insists to force the Trial down the players' throats, as if they refused to admit the mode is flawed and just not what people want.
I suspect the Forza community is perfectly ready for cooperation - I don't think they are the ones careening off walls or bafflingly trying to run off teammates in the Trial. They are the ones complaining about it.

The problem is just random casual players who don't understand how the Trial works, or can't control their car, or don't care.
The tight-knit community probably is, but Trial is done with randies. Arranging races takes long and depends on others' availability.

Now, the casual player problem is real - I've seen way too many players without a clue as to how the Playground Games work, which cost me wins. But you can't stop people from coming online due to lack of skill, so the problem IMO could be in awarding prizes for doing activities whose competitive aspects are misunderstood.
Any fun you can have in a Trial, you probably could in any other online race. I did quite a few races in Horizon, mainly to get ranked, and many of them were better than most Trials
Not really . The cars are more balanced in Trials than any Adventure. And you will get bored pretty soon of so many Track-tors and Boneshakers.
Most of my Trial wins came from slower drivers giving up, which is not how the mode is supposed to work at all.

As much as I Love it when people give up making it easier for experienced players to cooperate and win. I agree that is totally how its NOT supposed to work. First corner, some people still ram the AI and everyone in pack. once i was 2nd in pack and had good line ready to pull up front and slow down the pack with manouvers yet a guy in fiesta decided it was his time to shine and crash into the pack. made me miss my checkpoint and guess what position I ended up with after that crash. fast speed crash detection should be used in trials as well. at least between the players to emphasize TEAMWORK!!!

so many times have I got fast accelerating car just to get ahead of the pack and slowed the AI down whilst all my teammates overtook the AI pack and me. I held the AI behind me until they had safe gap and those were fun wins and I bet those guys were thankful.. not a single crash afterwards everyone let me do my thing and suddenly we all were friends :D
I find it's only the back markers without any points that tend to quit. In fact, losing incompetent team mates to quitting is often the best that can happen, because the entire pack of AI cars won't earn points from beating them.

So this does work?
I did this the other day. It was 1-1, the team was struggling. I messed up on race 3, ended up last and did a quick calculation. The 600 points (6 drivatars beating me) would make the difference so I quit. I wasn't sure that would work though (if I would still count for that race).
So this does work?
I did this the other day. It was 1-1, the team was struggling. I messed up on race 3, ended up last and did a quick calculation. The 600 points (6 drivatars beating me) would make the difference so I quit. I wasn't sure that would work though (if I would still count for that race).

Points are calculated live as cars change positions. If a car suddenly disappears due to quitting, it's no longer being accounted for in the points system.
Not really . The cars are more balanced in Trials than any Adventure. And you will get bored pretty soon of so many Track-tors and Boneshakers.

Yeah that's true, I also had quite a few bad races with these cars (especially Track-tor which is extremely easy to be fast with).
So this does work?
I did this the other day. It was 1-1, the team was struggling. I messed up on race 3, ended up last and did a quick calculation. The 600 points (6 drivatars beating me) would make the difference so I quit. I wasn't sure that would work though (if I would still count for that race).
They changed it recently. Before it would not have mattered, but now the points are calculated live during the race. I actually won a Trial by myself once, as everyone spinning out in first turn of the first race quit.
They changed it recently. Before it would not have mattered, but now the points are calculated live during the race. I actually won a Trial by myself once, as everyone spinning out in first turn of the first race quit.

This is good to know.
It does make it more fair to the people who actually win the races for a team of stragglers.

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