All decals in collection disappeared!

  • Thread starter Lebowski
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I was half way through making a livery when suddenly upon clicking on collection to place a decal nothing happened. All user decals in My Library are present, all the decals in my 10 Favourites folders are there but the 995 from Collection have entirely vanished, with a 0/1000 showing in the top right corner. I had literally only just placed a decal from it a minute before without issue but now over 2 years of carefully selected decals have disappeared into thin air! Anyone else encountered such an issue?
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Seems like the whole GT website is somewhat down :dunce: I can't access my collection either and it only loads a few screenshots and replays I've saved.
Can confirm that I'm also having issues with loading my decal collection in My Library. Liveries still display them in Livery Editor (which in itself is taking much longer to load than usual), which suggests to me that they haven't disappeared entirely.

Activity Feed and Life Log are also currently taking longer to load in the game than on the website.
As mentioned in my status, I have had issues with accessing the activity log, car designs in my gallery, and the GT Sport app. Irritatingly, this all seemed to start while I was in the middle of uploading a bunch of liveries...
Might add that the 'My Library' section of the website is having problems as well. All photos and replays show up fine for me, but decals and liveries don't. The 'network error' message I received when the section did load suggests that the connection might be timing out before it has a chance to load the entire library.
The page now seems to be working again at regular speed, BUT decals and any sorts of liveries still cannot be shown or loaded correctly in the collection and show a network error
Are the decals from the game available?

I need to do my LEC Mini tonight, hopefully it will be sorted by that time...
ALSO west coast U.S. 2019 Xmas Eve morning...
I'm having the same problem-
After I bought the safety cars this morning from Mileage Exchange, I downloaded some police liveries. Now all my liveries are gone(car, suite, helmet). My car liveries are still on my cars in garage, but can't change any liveries on anything. When I go into "library" & click on "livery" it says I have 0(ZERO) liveries.

Might add that the 'My Library' section of the website is having problems as well. All photos and replays show up fine for me, but decals and liveries don't. The 'network error' message I received when the section did load suggests that the connection might be timing out before it has a chance to load the entire library.
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All my decals aren't loading either. Can't even access the Livery Editor where I've saved my custom liveries too
All my decals aren't loading either. Can't even access the Livery Editor where I've saved my custom liveries too
Weird. I was able to access the Livery Editor when the problems first occurred, but it took significantly longer to load than usual.
Seems like quite a serious issue, i hope PD are aware of it but at this time of year i wouldn't expect a quick fix!
And to be quite frank, a rather embarrassing one considering the timing. I can imagine many new players being disappointed when they get GT Sport for Christmas and find out that the liveries/decals they want aren't being added to 'My Library' as they should.
Things are still down for me. Can’t see any user decals, or collection. Which is very irritating as I needed to finish up a livery for someone and decals I need are mine I uploaded.....
Attempted to upload my latest helmet design from the Livery Editor; received a 'Failed to create livery' message as soon as I tried to share. Clearly there must be something wrong with that part of the online service; everything else in the game is running as it should.
I too am having a problem with the livery editor, was updating a livery this morning and was almost done when it wouldn't let me apply the chosen decal. That was around 7AM on the east coast. Haven't checked the game since then, won't be back on till this evening, hopin' it will be fixed by then.
I too am having a problem with the livery editor, was updating a livery this morning and was almost done when it wouldn't let me apply the chosen decal. That was around 7AM on the east coast. Haven't checked the game since then, won't be back on till this evening, hopin' it will be fixed by then.
east coast here as well, no it’s not fixed now