Next Forza Motorsport Game Revealed, Apparently Isn't Called Forza Motorsport 8

Gonna wager it's a full-on series reboot. Also; the trailer theme seems to point to a career mode based on setting up your own race team and managing/racing it.
“Early in development” they were ‘early in development’ over a bloody year ago when they first announced they’d be skipping 2019 and instead focusing on fixing the problems people had with 7 for future titles in the franchise. In fact, I remember last year during several Forza monthlies when they said they were waist deep in development of it. Did they bin the entire game and start over from scratch? The hell have they been doing since 2017 if they’re “in early development”?
Caterham 7 is in the poster with the BAC and in the livestream while Spencer was talking, there was a Chapparal.


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The clip showed several garage sequences, featuring a racing version of the Apollo Intensa Emozione, the Mazda RT24-P Daytona Prototype, and the BAC Mono. All three would be new additions to the Forza Motorsport series, though both the Apollo and BAC are in Forza Horizon 4.

I don't mean to sound rude, but I have a correction to the article. The Apollo I.E. is new to Motorsport; however, the BAC Mono has been in the series since Motorsport 6 and the Mazda is actually the longstanding 2014 Lola B12/80 that was DLC in FM6, not the RT24-P. Correct me if I'm wrong please. Again, I don't mean to be rude, but I just wanted to point that out as to not spread misinformation.
Well, after the GT7 trashing, this trailer probably just proves that nowadays consoles already reach the limit in terms of graphic improvement.

“Early in development” they were ‘early in development’ over a bloody year ago when they first announced they’d be skipping 2019 and instead focusing on fixing the problems people had with 7 for future titles in the franchise. In fact, I remember last year during several Forza monthlies when they said they were waist deep in development of it. Did they bin the entire game and start over from scratch? The hell have they been doing since 2017 if they’re “in early development”?
Probably because they're redoing the game from the scratch, where probably it's the point of the title only "Forza Motorsport", which means slower progress? But probably because they take longer time than FM5 here, probably the reboot would give as much content like FM4 or FM7....

I have a feeling that the person who made this trailer is the same person who made GT7 trailer. Still for some reason I am more hyped and excited about gt7 than this forza project cars game.
Coincidence much?


Also, the general consensus is that Forza has lapped GT around all this time.... so don't judge by how GT7 has better trailer yet?
It looks fantastic, way to eye candy, but it sure looks better than Gran Turismo 7 (In terms of detail on track), that'll keep PD to keep polishing the details. Although i'm not sure, it looks more of a tech demo than a videogame.
Its far far away :nervous::nervous:

they dumped the old Xbox and started over with the game and thats why it wont be here before end 2021
Soo similar to GT7 trailer lol.

Graphics are similar in terms of design to GT7 but they do look better so far. Note this is in Early development aswell starting same time as GT7.
"These clues may hint seem to rule out the next Forza game as a Series X launch title. Microsoft has already stated that the Series X will have no exclusives for at least the first year, so Christmas 2021 would appear to be the earliest we should expect it."

Are you kidding me? Do you can thinking?

Again. Series X will have no exclusives.

Do you know that that means we will get all Xbox titles on Xbox One too. It's simple.

So yes, FM would be released "soon".

I'm so angry after that when I read that these things...
The track looks amazing, better than GT7 graphics so far but I can't say this looks photorealistic. Probably something about the art direction.
Are you kidding me? Do you can thinking?

Again. Series X will have no exclusives.

Do you know that that means we will get all Xbox titles on Xbox One too. It's simple.
We can indeed thinking.

The trailer specifically mentions the Series X and PC. It makes no mention of the One anywhere.

In addition Matt Booty said all first-party titles in the first year or two would be playable on the One and Series X (suggesting that after that point they may become XSX exclusives). That article is also linked in this one.

Putting those two pieces of information together suggests neither an Xbox One version of the game nor a first year launch for Series X. Adding on Spencer's suggestion that the game is in early development reinforces that suggestion.

But this is explained in the article, even if you can't thinking.

I'm so angry after that when I read that these things...
Then perhaps calm down and read things properly.
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I’m liking that the Apollo’s have what appears to be a standardized scheme, it gives me hope that the days of random paint schemes selected by the computer for AI drivers are over. The number plates on them match IMSA colors as well which makes me wonder if they will finally explore that partnership a little.
I’m liking that the Apollo’s have what appears to be a standardized scheme, it gives me hope that the day of random paint schemes selected by the computer for AI drivers are over. The number plates on them match IMSA colors as well which makes me wonder if they will finally explore that partnership a little.

Same. I was hoping they'd borrow elements like that from sim games.
The 2021 thought is a bummer. :( Was GT7 coming out this fall? If so I might get the PS5 this year and the Series X only in 2021.

The Fable trailer was impressive though, but in the end it’s just that, a trailer.
The track looks amazing, better than GT7 graphics so far but I can't say this looks photorealistic. Probably something about the art direction.
How can you tell? Absolutely no game play was shown. Zero, none, zilch, nada.

It may look better, but it may not. We do not know until we actually see some gameplay and not a trailer.

I'm going to reiterate what I've put in another thread, this reveal underwhelmed me. It revealed nothing about the game that we didnt already know other than it is only in early access.

If it is too early for gameplay, which is understandable if it's still early development (though supposedly 2-3 years in :odd:), why didnt they at least talk about it for a minute or two and reveal what direction they are going in.
The trailer is too vague to draw meaningful conclusions as to what we're going to get. A reboot is looking likely but there's no indictation whether it'll be a soft or hard reboot.
Yup. Early days for both games but neither this nor GT7 have shown anything particularly interesting in their first trailer.

Better graphics were a given but no sign of any great innovation or wow moments in either trailer.
There's something very strange about the way the cars appear to behave on track in that footage...almost like they are animated rather than adhering to any sort of physics simulation. If I were to speculate, I'd say that they are very, very early in development and this footage was rushed together to respond to the GT7 trailer.
The 2021 thought is a bummer. :( Was GT7 coming out this fall? If so I might get the PS5 this year and the Series X only in 2021.

The Fable trailer was impressive though, but in the end it’s just that, a trailer.
There is no release date for GT 7 as of yet. I sure hope it's going to be a PS5 launch title but no one knows atm.
But judging from the trailers, it seems GT7 is closer to being finished than FM.
They just started so I do not expect this game befor the end of 2022 if we are very lucky. I hope Phil Spencer will explain some day what Turn 10 have done the last 3 years. If Sony has a GT7 at launch it will hurt MS probably.