New DIRT 5 Gameplay Video Shows Arizona Location and Stampede Event

Looks good from where I'm sitting. Knowing that it's a Codemasters game, I'll likely wait until it gets a few months old before picking it up.
Yes! I was just watching this thinking how much I miss drunk late night sessions on Motorstorm, I really wish someone would make a proper next gen version of that.

I miss that game also.., the most similar we have now it´s Onrush..
Nice graphics but not impressive at all, Drive Club, The Crew 2, GT Sport and many other games still look like this.

Remember, it's still WIP. And as matrix_gt1 stated above, it's likely running on previous gen's hardware.

Who knows, maybe it'll look a bit better come release day here in 2 months. Myself? I'm content with it... That's just me though.
Got to admit, the severe lack of huge waking particles and dirt and mud effects and the truck finishing the race brutalised in brown and and black from all the mud and crud swathed up from the race is...disconcerting at least. I really hope we start to see particle effects ramped up the max with these new systems which hopefully we'll see when we get actual next gen footage. It really ruins the feeling when in plonks through those water hazards and...nothing happens? Ok, a whimper of water trail from the rear huge wake of water and mud splashing up? Damn shame so far.
Remember, it's still WIP. And as matrix_gt1 stated above, it's likely running on previous gen's hardware.

Who knows, maybe it'll look a bit better come release day here in 2 months. Myself? I'm content with it... That's just me though.
Current hardware can't have ray tracing, this footage is from next gen consoles
It's ridiculous, it's not even at constant 60fps
Current hardware can't have ray tracing, this footage is from next gen consoles
It's ridiculous, it's not even at constant 60fps

Okay, say this is running on current gen hardware. Where did this FPS concern come from? Because the last I checked, it will be able to run at as constant 60fps, and even have an option for 122fps when its out for next gen consoles.
Okay, say this is running on current gen hardware. Where did this FPS concern come from? Because the last I checked, it will be able to run at as constant 60fps, and even have an option for 122fps when its out for next gen consoles.
I said what i see from this clip, the entire video is not smooth, i was kind to say it's no constant 60fps instead running at 45fps average lol
It s a work in progress, they can still fix it
Ahh yes the good old, lets judge 4k HDR10+ Ray tracing next gen high fidelity gameplay watching it on, at worst, our sub 1080p phones on a compressed YouTube clip, at best, 4k TV at the max 1440p the video can show without HDR.

In other words, we have no idea what this will actually look like based in a compressed video that isn't even showing the full resolution or HDR range. We can have a good stab that its gonna look beautiful, but realistically we won't know until we see it in action as intended.
Ahh yes the good old, lets judge 4k HDR10+ Ray tracing next gen high fidelity gameplay watching it on, at worst, our sub 1080p phones on a compressed YouTube clip, at best, 4k TV at the max 1440p the video can show without HDR.

In other words, we have no idea what this will actually look like based in a compressed video that isn't even showing the full resolution or HDR range. We can have a good stab that its gonna look beautiful, but realistically we won't know until we see it in action as intended.
You don't need uncompressed footage to see how the physic is lol
There are no physic on mub, splash, or dirt on cars lol
Right now it's like a Current gen game with RT on
You don't need uncompressed footage to see how the physic is lol
There are no physic on mub, splash, or dirt on cars lol
Right now it's like a Current gen game with RT on

And I'm not talking about the people trying to decipher an action arcade games physics in a video.

Its also early footage. And I can see plenty of mud and splashes in the videos I've watched and the gameplay I've seen. Just like every Dirt and CMR game since 1998.
And I'm not talking about the people trying to decipher an action arcade games physics in a video.

Its also early footage. And I can see plenty of mud and splashes in the videos I've watched and the gameplay I've seen. Just like every Dirt and CMR game since 1998.
I'm not talking about handling physics
Just road physic, like mud deformation ( motorstorm in ps3 did a better job)
Mud splash ? No
Water splash ? Yes like ps2 game
Water droplet on hood ? Bad reflection for RT and not smooth and doesn't move like it should
And yes like i said from early post, it's a WIP so they can improve it, because it doesn't look like next gen game but it's ok it's a cross gen game right ? Lol
because it doesn't look like next gen game but it's ok it's a cross gen game right ? Lol

Probably because the video isn't from the upcoming generation, it's using footage from the current generation consoles because that's where it's releasing first.