Forza Horizon 4 Season Change: Rev Up For a Commanding Autumn

What an ugly beauty this car is. I love it.
If PG's goal with this past week's Trial was to create an unwinnable, soul-draining :censored:show, then mission accomplished!

Useless teammates (or at least enough of them to drag everyone else down), dirty AI, three of the least forgiving cross country tracks (which is saying something), the collision/landing physics lottery...I can't imagine how much fire and venom they'd be getting on the official forum if they had locked a new/exclusive vehicle behind this stinker...
If PG's goal with this past week's Trial was to create an unwinnable, soul-draining :censored:show, then mission accomplished!

Useless teammates (or at least enough of them to drag everyone else down), dirty AI, three of the least forgiving cross country tracks (which is saying something), the collision/landing physics lottery...I can't imagine how much fire and venom they'd be getting on the official forum if they had locked a new/exclusive vehicle behind this stinker...
Well, did you prepare your car properly? XC is usually hard, but I easily won two out of three races this week. The third, my team mate shot me down to last place in second corner of the race and I still finished second before the whole team.

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