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This is the discussion thread for a recent post on GTPlanet:
This article was published by Andrew Evans (@Famine) on October 21st, 2020 in the DIRT 5 category.
The Audi S1 Quattro is the same one from Grid in Super Hatches? Use the Audi S1 in Grid, qualify first. Shift into second and your gone and won. Superb.
"There’s also a livery editor, revealed in a features trailer back in July but we haven’t yet seen in action."
The livery editor was briefly shown in a stream beforehand. Have to say I'm rather disappointed, as its not a full editor, but a limited number of preset layers that can be colored, a layer for a single decal on the roof and sides, and some sponsors that are locked into preset spots. Very much in line with what we'd see from an early 2000's game like NFS Underground 2, opposed to the full editors we have now. Even so, its better than what the Dirt series has seen thus far.
Judge for yourselves.
"Full editors" like those seen in Forza/GT present a significant challenge: Moderation
Give people total freedom and the first thing they'll do is post vulgar, hateful or racist things unfortunately, and moderating all of that requires significant resources. Upping the age rating to 18+ is out of the question too.
Microsoft and Sony have vast resources and even their titles don't get this delicate issue right. That's why most third party racing titles use presets moreso than a blank canvas approach.
Give people total freedom and the first thing they'll do is post vulgar, hateful or racist things unfortunately, and moderating all of that requires significant resources. Upping the age rating to 18+ is out of the question too.
I got that info yesterday as well, pffff come on Codemasters. It should have been a unique livery or a free cash unlock for Amazon commercial purposes, but never a completely new car.So is the Macan going to be exclusive to amazon forever? The fact its not in the season pass is a slap in the face.