Bugatti Reveals $300,000 Pool Table for Your Luxury Yacht

I'm sure for 250.000€ you can easily find better and prettier pool tables for your yacht.
It's competition grade and it self levels. Seems pretty neat.

Still, at last someone's thinking of the ultra-rich who've had a rough time over the last 12 months and *checks notes* only added $400bn to their net worths.
I get it on a cruise ship, lots of customers who will appreciate the novelty. But needing this on your personal yacht? (which seems like Bugatti's demo)

Pool tables are such a rich man poor man thing. Don't be jealous of rich people folks, they're spending $300k to entertain themselves with something you can find in a random bar in the crappiest neighborhood. What did you do with your billions? "I played exactly the same game that people with empty pockets play... except I paid a lot more"
With balls or without balls?
I mean, that's in the piece, so...
I get it on a cruise ship, lots of customers who will appreciate the novelty. But needing this on your personal yacht? (which seems like Bugatti's demo)

Pool tables are such a rich man poor man thing. Don't be jealous of rich people folks, they're spending $300k to entertain themselves with something you can find in a random bar in the crappiest neighborhood. What did you do with your billions? "I played exactly the same game that people with empty pockets play... except I paid a lot more"
Oddly, I used to work at a place which was pretty much defined by the boss's pool table. The company, the parent company, and the spin-off PR company were all named after aspects of pool.
Everytime when such items appear, I wonder if I could be SO rich, that I would actually consider buying stuff like this.

I mean, it should still feel like a scam, no matter how much figures one's bank account has, right?
Everytime when such items appear, I wonder if I could be SO rich, that I would actually consider buying stuff like this.

I mean, it should still feel like a scam, no matter how much figures one's bank account has, right?

Sales: ...and here we have plans for entertainment room 1 on the yacht. The drawn up sketch has a pool table, but we could replace this with a number of entertainment options.
Customer: No I like the pool table.
Sales: very good sir. The total price for the project comes to $400M.
Customer: Sounds good. When will it be ready?
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Sales: ...and here we have plans for entertainment room 1 on the yacht. The drawn up sketch has a pool table, but we could replace this with a number of entertainment options.
Customer: No I like the pool table.
Sales: very good sir. The total price for the project comes to $400M.
Customer: Sounds good. When will it be ready?

I designed a reception desk for a client (which will remain nameless :lol:) that was....well let's just say it was complicated. Pricing came in at $125,000. They've made at least 10 of them now....:eek:
Any videos of it self-levelling? I couldn't find any of this specific one although there are some older types that are worth a look. It's cool if ridiculously priced.
Any videos of it self-levelling? I couldn't find any of this specific one although there are some older types that are worth a look. It's cool if ridiculously priced.
Our company have been manufacturing self leveling billiard tables for cruise ships and yachts for 20 years! The first ones where installed onboard RCCL in 2001/2002, of which you probably have seen the videos. Our price tag have however never been close to Bugatti :-)
Our company have been manufacturing self leveling billiard tables for cruise ships and yachts for 20 years! The first ones where installed onboard RCCL in 2001/2002, of which you probably have seen the videos. Our price tag have however never been close to Bugatti :-)

This is more like it. By the time I'd specified the alligator-skin bog handles I'd nowt left.
Yes, a pool table. A Bugatti pool table.

I can appreciate somebody spending 300k on a car and thereby also supporting thousands of jobs that are attached.

But a pool table? Give me a break.

This is decadence of a bad kind. Also thumbs down for Bugatti for catering to those clients considering this. Just distasteful all around!

decadence - moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.

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I wonder how successful these projects are for car manufacturers at times to collaborate/attach their names. How many pool tables, furniture, boats, evil lairs do these luxury marques actually move? The only one I've seen that's been successful is the Porsche Design tower in Miami, but I'm curious if other products have been just as well received.
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I can appreciate somebody spending 300k on a car and thereby also supporting thousands of jobs that are attached.
Spending 30k on a car likely supports more attached jobs than spending 300k on a car.

More companies make them, the companies that make them tend to be larger and employ more people, and more people service them.

But they're not as sexy, are they?

But a pool table? Give me a break.

This is decadence of a bad kind. Also thumbs down for Bugatti for catering to those clients considering this. Just distasteful all around!

decadence - moral or cultural decline as characterized by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.

Strong "family values" vibes here.


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