4WD & AWD Drag Tips


United States
4WD & AWD cars scare the **** out of competition especially if you have a amazing launch.

1st LSD adjust your intial torque to 60, accel sensit to 60, brake sensit to 5
2nd SUSPENSION adjust your front ride height low as possible and your rear a little higher. Spring rate should be tight on front and rear. Dampers are fine at stock or 1 setting up.(if its at 5 make it 6) Roll bars tight as well maybe two settings up(if 3 make it 5) Camber and Toe should be zero.

3rd BODY/CHASIS Aerodynamics should be lowest pressure as possible in the back and highest pressure in the front. Weight is not an issue yet.

4th TRANNY 1st gear should belong as possible because these cars pull so much off the line you dont wanna rev out to quick. 1st gear should be pulling as much as possible with little smoke and no RPM needle bounce at its exiting shift point. You can balance this out by sliding your final gear ratio to the left until you get the proper launch. Find out what the average trap speed is at Indy or SSR7(Indy should be 145-165, SSR7 should be 220-260) once your 1st gear is set move your 6th gear to the top speed of your choice that matches the track. You can now set your other gears up to where it looks like a backwards upside down cellphone signal bar. Put those gears to where they get a good balance of torque and power. From this point you should be getting alot more wins in your book.

P.S I know that there are other methods of launching hence quick shifting, 2nd gear launches, ghost launches etc. The downfall to this is that you turn a 6 speed tranny to a 5 speed tranny making it hard to keep a 6 speed powerhouse off your tail. Its a hit or miss. This are methods that are only possible because its only a video game. In real life shifting in a R34 from launch to second is not that quick unless you have Captain America reflexes. Watch the Mines Skyline video that car pulls with a long first gear and digs out in 2nd like a beast.

If im wrong about these tips then why is my R33 beating down so many at Indy. Lay down Evo's, STI's, Supra's. I hang with GTR's, Lambo's, and Vipers with my R baby. Yea I loose sometimes but never over a car length. I always get the launch and if i fall behind Im right on there bumper.

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