- 87,835
- Rule 12
- GTP_Famine
...as they turned up for work in the morning.
At the Home Office.
Incompetant? Britain? Never.
At the Home Office.
Incompetant? Britain? Never.
Famine...as they turned up for work in the morning.
At the Home Office.
Incompetant? Britain? Never.
kyleI'm sure this will give George Bush some good ideas on how to fix our illegal immigration problem...
Or this.kylehnatI'm sure this will give George Bush some good ideas on how to fix our illegal immigration problem...
Master_YodaIt really ruins the way the area looks. It makes one of the most wealthest county in the country look like crap... There everywhere looking for jobs, on the streets with those jeans with white jeans, and black hats with white spots. It's a shame.. luckly i live in Fairfax, which is too cool for them.
ledhedGood thing they didnt arrest my grandmom and grandpop when they came to dig holes for rich people ..from Germany and Italy...or should I just say thank the stars I aint a Mexican or ......... just fill in the blanks.... WE demand labor ...WE let come here for YEARS with no problems ...then WE decide WTF ...WHAT ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE DOING HERE ???? like it friggin JUST now happened over night......ummm excuse me while I go throw up .
arrest the dudes that demand and hire and create the market for " illegals " or STF up .
yet we must remember that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life - but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law.
We are a Nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws. We are also a Nation of immigrants, and we must uphold that tradition, which has strengthened our country in so many ways. These are not contradictory goals - America can be a lawful society and a welcoming society at the same time. We will fix the problems created by illegal immigration, and we will deliver a system that is secure, orderly, and fair. So I support comprehensive immigration reform that will accomplish five clear objectives...eetc. from Bush speech
Fifth, we must honor the great American tradition of the melting pot, which has made us one Nation out of many peoples. The success of our country depends upon helping newcomers assimilate into our society, and embrace our common identity as Americans. Americans are bound together by our shared ideals, an appreciation of our history, respect for the flag we fly, and an ability to speak and write the English language. English is also the key to unlocking the opportunity of America. English allows newcomers to go from picking crops to opening a grocery ... from cleaning offices to running offices ... from a life of low-paying jobs to a diploma, a career, and a home of their own. When immigrants assimilate and advance in our society, they realize their dreams ... they renew our spirit ... and they add to the unity of America
America needs to conduct this debate on immigration in a reasoned and respectful tone. Feelings run deep on this issue - and as we work it out, all of us need to keep some things in mind. We cannot build a unified country by inciting people to anger, or playing on anyone's fears, or exploiting the issue of immigration for political gain. We must always remember that real lives will be affected by our debates and decisions, and that every human being has dignity and value no matter what their citizenship papers say.