69 camaro RM Chassis reinforcement good or bad?


I was reading up on tunes and it seems like alot of people do the CR on the 69 RM but to be honest i have horrible experience with Chassis reinforcement except on FF cars. I always thought it made the cars handle like bricks on ice.

So does anyone know if the car is better with it or without it?

I also used my only matte black paint on the car so if it's ruined and i have to buy a new one i won't have a flat black maro again :grumpy:

EDIT: Im going to post this in the tuning thread.
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I haven't used one myself, but the effects in general is that it increases stability on bumpy surfaces but increases understeer (link).
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I have only had bad experiences with chassis reinforcement so I avoid it. Back up your save before you do it so it can be undone if you don't like the results.
I've used CR as a last resort on a couple of cars (that I had duplicates of in my garage). It worked fine.

The understeer was very mild and correctable with some toe adjustment.

I have the 69 Camaro, both RM and street versions. I don't see the need for CR on this car. But, that's just me.