For all of you that have been lucky to win a 787B from the Like the Wind race @ Test Course: Do any of you have any good settings for this car? I am having a little trouble with turn-in and traction in slow corners.
I like it with low traction and oversteer. But if ur not use to a car like this try the ASM: 10 and TCS: 5, if its still to "slippery" then raise it some more
Leave LSD stock or whatever i haven't noticed a difference when fooling around with it.
Tranny at 38 auto setting
Downforce: 1.00/1.25
ASM: 0
TSC: 1
Try that. With those exact settings and my 950hp (give or take 25hp) i got a 57.602 on midfeild, i know i know...some of u get 56's and 55's w/ the 787b...but i try.
Have you thought about using some toe-out to get better turn-in? With that much camber, you're bound to lose tire wear and some straight-line speed. Just thought I'd throw in my two cents.
yes, all the suggestions are great. I always try new things.
BTW: lots of ppl think this car is the best car aside from f1's. In my opinion i think the only way you'll like this car better is if u drive with asm: at 0 and TCS: 2 or below. If u dont then use the r390 race car or toyota gt1 race car.
I actually like the 787B better than the R390 and the GT-One. For anything I wanna get done fast, I'll use my handy F/687S, except for Test Course (Escudo to the rescue!)
I have been able to improve on an already good thing. This thing does have a bit of problem with traction (especially on long races w/ slick tires). I added a bigger turbo that gives this beast of a car 964 horsepower. Here are my settings:
The only things I really change with this is the camber settings and downforce for Test Course (add more camber and downforce all the way down):
springs - 16.2/14.7
height - 85/85
bound - 7/7
rebound - 7/7
camber - 2.2/1.2
Toe - -.5/0
stabilizers - 4/4