9 Boards Settings

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
Well it's finally done. Or as complete as I can get it at this point. If more replays get loaded to GTN, I'll add them and update teh attachement.

This is a little experiment I did to see what info it might reveal about settings. I Dl'd every available replay from teh 9 boards challenge, load them into MK's program one by one, then entered all that info this spread sheet. Then ran averages across.

I have had a moment to check it as of yet, and theorize what it tells me. One thing I have noticed is that I typed in alot of 10's when it came to bound/rebound.

Anyways, take a look and spread it around to whoever might find it interesting.

I've updated it with replays from the past weekend

www.deralta.net/compendium/9brds Settings.zip

Bollocks, Winzip isn't that tough. Download it, install it. Download the above zip file, and double click on it in explorer. It should open automatically in qinzip. It is an MS Excel spreadsheet, so it's easy enough to check out.


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