911 call ignored as mother dies.

And that's why anyone who makes a fake 911 call should be jailed, fined heavily and gets some type of beating. Like, a roided-up professional baseball player smacking the hell out of the bastard with a Louisville Slugger. And, if it's a kid who made a fake phone call, do it to both child and parent/s.
Thats sad, I don't understand how people can make prank 911 calls in the first place though. In Canada its a little different, if a 911 call is made, Police have to be sent, atleast to make sure it everything is ok, or to talk to whoever was making the prank phone calls. Too bad it wasn't like that in the US, it could have saved a mothers life.
Here in Leavenworth County, KS if a 911 call is placed, the police come round just to make sure everything is ok, or not.
One of my portable phones dialed 911 a couple of weeks ago, and after I told the dispatcher that all was well, a cop knocked on my door about 10 minutes later.
I understand that it may be different in Detroit, but when your assume...
Well in some areas... like L.A. if the operator doesn't kill you the grid lock of traffic preventing people being able to get to you will. :dopey:
Maybe the operator was having a bad day, or they received several prank calls within a month, or something.

Still, he should be without a job now.
It's not the dispatcher's job to decide which call is phony, and which is legitimate, especially if a 5 year-old is calling. Kids that young don't know how to make prank calls.
If you look at the stats, you can't completely blame the operator. But a 5 year old would be scared enough of the thought of getting in trouble for the police coming over. He WOULDN'T call the second time just for fun.

It's really sad that 1) People abuse the 911 system and 2) People aren't well trained as operators.

It's just a rough situation when you call for help and nothing happens. I can understand the lawsuit and I think it's justified.
A seemingly rare occurance in this country... :indiff:

Yeah, it's rare that there is a GOOD reason for a lawsuit instead of just quick money that someone didn't earn.