Let's assume you completely ignored the thread I created.
What would you have done? Hmmmm let's think... OH YEA! Let's search for it.
Crazy, the search actually brings up my thread. That's sooooo weird!
But, that thread is stupid, let's skip by it. What's this... A thread named A.M. V8 Vantage. What a stupid name for a thread, what is this guy talking about an early morning V8 Vantage, what a silly head! *Click*
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh A.M. Means Aston Martin, hahahaha, that's so funny!
Interesting, he's asking for the same thing I am! A tune for the Aston Martin V8 Vantage. The scroll, the scroll, the buttons, the buttons, the scroll is so smooth like the butter on my muffins! Post number 4... Gosh, I had to scroll forever to find this. Hmmm... He's linking me to some thread... gosh, why does this thread keep popping up everywhere, that's so annoying! *Ignore*
*Create New Thread*
*You should check <this> thread*
*New Tab*
Hmmm 'How it works' STUPID, who cares?! Just give me what I want, NOW!!!
*Skipping the important part*
'This thread sucks, what a waste of time, I'll just ask somebody to make me one, it's so much easier and it most definitely won't result in ridicule, because I tried EVERYTHING else already, and I can't possibly be bothered to read big and colorful text that leads me to the answers I want.
This is definitely not a clue that you should pay attention to colored text.