Ive beaten every race, every one make race, all the Missions, everything I can tell, yet only at 99.6%. only thing I can figure is getting all gold in License counts? Anyone know about something secret that counts towards completion? Thanks
Thanks for the help guys. Ive been looking for this .4% for the last 3 days and have looked in detail at each race. Somehow I overlooked 2 bronze medals. One was the final race in the M3 cup at Nurgurgring, and the other was the 3rd race in the Lupo cup. I guess since they were both Championship Races, I was only looking at the Champ cup thinking I did it 1 race at a time, and failed to see the bronze medals. Woot! I win!!!
I now have 100% and all Gold in License tests
Try winning a Family Cup - any circuit - this might give you .2% (they count for a-spec so perhaps also for completion).