99% Complete........Impossibe to get 100%

  • Thread starter HPONTAP
I bought GT3 when it came offered with the PS2 for $329.99. It was the only game I played and I played for hours at a time, between 4 and 12 hours a day. Then, I started buying other games and got caught up in them and GT3 kind of got put on the side. When I first head the news about GT4 coming out it made me think," I have to beat GT3 before I buy GT4". Once again I was back at it. When I continued, I was at about 60% to 65% complete. In the next few months I had finally reached the goal.......I'm in the 95.0 plus % range. When you get to this point some of your last races change the % by . "point" something. At 99.0% it stops counting and so did I. I have only 2 time trials left in Arcade, both the dirt ones and got tired of trying to beat them since once again it seems that the Gran Turismo series doesn't reach 100% complete.

Sorry if this diappoints any and all you GT racers out there, but you can't get 100% complete. Not that I have seen or know of.

Anybody, else run into this problem? Does anybody have 100% complete?
Many people have reached 100%. I havent and dont see mee doing it but theres even a 100% club around here.
Many people have reached 100%. I havent and dont see mee doing it but theres even a 100% club around here.

Really........wonder why it stopped counting the point something %'s at the last several races then........makes no since to me. Guess I should beat the last to dirt races in Arcade in Time Trials and find out for myself. Thanks for the reply.
i reached the 100%. i did it for the fun of it... just becuase i want to show it off. u need to win all of the races in simulation mode and do all the time trials. i didnt stop till i got gold in every thing. i got all the gold in the races and i got first place in all the time trials. thats what u need to get 100%
Hpontap, that's a really old and well known bug in the game. The game just doesn't count anything inbetween 99% and 100%. Just keep going through the game and it'll turn into 100%. To get 100%, I believe you need everything gold except for the licenses, get the best times on all the time trials, and get golds on all the races in arcade mode on hard mode (could be wrong about that).

P.S. Try searching for your problem before posting. This problem has been covered many times before.
Hpontap, that's a really old and well known bug in the game. The game just doesn't count anything inbetween 99% and 100%. Just keep going through the game and it'll turn into 100%. To get 100%, I believe you need everything gold except for the licenses, get the best times on all the time trials, and get golds on all the races in arcade mode on hard mode (could be wrong about that).

P.S. Try searching for your problem before posting. This problem has been covered many times before.
Ting boy is correct. It's a well documented bug. Finish the last two time trials and you'll be awarded with 100%.

Now a question for Ting boy, what might he have searched for? Yes, it's great to tell somone to search, but giving them a hint as to what to search for would have been even better.

For instance a quick search for 99% 100% would have yielded myriad answer to his question.

I am amazed at the number of people that ask this question. I only ever paid the smallest amount of attention to my precise completion percentage... but it never would have occurred to me to ask why it wasn't 100% complete before I actually completed everything in the game.

This isn't directed at you personally, HPOT. And welcome to GTPlanet, if I haven't said that already.
Agreed. It's just like saying you have everything but 1 hidden package in Vice City and only have 99.999 percent.

Also, you'll be glad to find plenty of knowedgable people here who won't flame you to smithereens if you choke up ;)
lol I can't be bothered with 100%, just loads of repetitive races. I'd rather just improve my margin over gold on the S-licenses, and become a better driver. Besides, unless you spend time and credits obtaining a suitable car for a close and challenging race in each competition, it becomes a load of mindless driving around for days on end, in which case I'd probably lose my edge.
I bought GT3 when it came offered with the PS2 for $329.99. It was the only game I played and I played for hours at a time, between 4 and 12 hours a day. Then, I started buying other games and got caught up in them and GT3 kind of got put on the side. When I first head the news about GT4 coming out it made me think," I have to beat GT3 before I buy GT4". Once again I was back at it. When I continued, I was at about 60% to 65% complete. In the next few months I had finally reached the goal.......I'm in the 95.0 plus % range. When you get to this point some of your last races change the % by . "point" something. At 99.0% it stops counting and so did I. I have only 2 time trials left in Arcade, both the dirt ones and got tired of trying to beat them since once again it seems that the Gran Turismo series doesn't reach 100% complete.

Sorry if this diappoints any and all you GT racers out there, but you can't get 100% complete. Not that I have seen or know of.

Anybody, else run into this problem? Does anybody have 100% complete?
I beat the game once or twice. Its not hard. It depends how you drive, you keep a clean line and just be focused on the track, yes, your times will be alot of shorter.
"Impossible" is a word all too often used.

Why do you believe it's impossible to complete 100.0% when you haven't, in fact, completed all of the prescribed races yet? It's an astonishing conclusion from quite a poor observation.

In fact it IS possible to complete GT3 and the 99.0% counter "bug" is well-documented. Many, many people have gained 100.0%. I've done it 4 times myself, including the first minimum game day game (229 days upon completion).
"As far as can be determined". It's more than possible - in fact it's more than likely - that someone who either doesn't post on English-language message boards, or doesn't post at all on message boards, beat me to it.

However, RoadHazzard at GTF and I were both going for it, completely independant of one another. I got there in September 2002. He got it in November.
the time trials are worth .2% because i got 98.8 percent, and i didnt know about the timetrials, so i restarted and there is 6 time trials, so that wouldve aded up to 100% for me if i did them
the time trials are worth .2% because i got 98.8 percent, and i didnt know about the timetrials, so i restarted and there is 6 time trials, so that wouldve aded up to 100% for me if i did them

There are actually 10 time trials to do in total. You must have done 4 early on and forget about them.
You actually get to 98% by doing everything except the time trials. They are worth 0.2% each and doing all ten will get you to 100%.
i reached the 100%. i did it for the fun of it... just becuase i want to show it off. u need to win all of the races in simulation mode and do all the time trials. i didnt stop till i got gold in every thing. i got all the gold in the races and i got first place in all the time trials. thats what u need to get 100%

I know how to do it man.......I've got a 99.0% complete currently. I was just mentioning that after I would beat a race in the Arcade area under Time Trials, every race I won would bring my percentage up 0.2% then when I got to 99.0% it just stopped. Even though I was still beating races in Time Trial when I would go back to check my game complete percentage it was not going up anymore. I have only 2 races left in Time Trail......I have EVERYTHING else complete with gold. It just made no sence to me that the game will not show the last 1% change till everything is beat, when from the beginning of the game it has ALWAYS showed every change in your percent. Recheck it out. If you race the first race again after starting a new game it will show some percentage compete. Even if it's just point something like 0.2%. I know the last 2 time trial races are not each a half percentage point, because I checked it after every race I beat there and it was going up .2% with each race. Then at 99.0% it just stopped. So, I naturally assumed that you couldn't get 100% complete. Look back if you know Gran Turismo. You couldn't get it in GT2. I just though they may have had the same error in GT3.
I know how to do it man.......I've got a 99.0% complete currently. I was just mentioning that after I would beat a race in the Arcade area under Time Trials, every race I won would bring my percentage up 0.2% then when I got to 99.0% it just stopped. Even though I was still beating races in Time Trial when I would go back to check my game complete percentage it was not going up anymore. I have only 2 races left in Time Trail......I have EVERYTHING else complete with gold. It just made no sence to me that the game will not show the last 1% change till everything is beat, when from the beginning of the game it has ALWAYS showed every change in your percent. Recheck it out. If you race the first race again after starting a new game it will show some percentage compete. Even if it's just point something like 0.2%. I know the last 2 time trial races are not each a half percentage point, because I checked it after every race I beat there and it was going up .2% with each race. Then at 99.0% it just stopped. So, I naturally assumed that you couldn't get 100% complete. Look back if you know Gran Turismo. You couldn't get it in GT2. I just though they may have had the same error in GT3.

How about you run those last two time trials and then see if you get a 100%. I have two game saves that both show 100% so I know it can be done.

Bugs and such slip through the cracks in development of software. There is always something no matter how much the developers have gone through a given product.

BUt again why not finish the game completely and see what happens. Then come here and complain.

I'm not trying to be a dick but it would only make sense that you complete the game before you post something like this.
I bought GT3 when it came offered with the PS2 for $329.99. It was the only game I played and I played for hours at a time, between 4 and 12 hours a day. Then, I started buying other games and got caught up in them and GT3 kind of got put on the side. When I first head the news about GT4 coming out it made me think," I have to beat GT3 before I buy GT4". Once again I was back at it. When I continued, I was at about 60% to 65% complete. In the next few months I had finally reached the goal.......I'm in the 95.0 plus % range. When you get to this point some of your last races change the % by . "point" something. At 99.0% it stops counting and so did I. I have only 2 time trials left in Arcade, both the dirt ones and got tired of trying to beat them since once again it seems that the Gran Turismo series doesn't reach 100% complete.

Sorry if this diappoints any and all you GT racers out there, but you can't get 100% complete. Not that I have seen or know of.

Anybody, else run into this problem? Does anybody have 100% complete?

I read the other post pretty fast. So I might of missed some of the things. But if you finished the last two. TTs, you probally get 100%. And since some of them said each TT was .2% So I guess finishing it would give you .6%. so you should get 100%
IGN sucks hard.

Gamespot owns IGN.

But Famine knows all. He has done GT3 4 times, including the 229 day finish.

Well it's all personal preference but I would MUCH rather ign over gamespot but as I said b4, I go to both but not nearly as much as I do ign.
I think it has to do with PD not wanting to relive the issues they had with GT2 where the percentages didn't add up. It's easier to just have the counter stop at 99 and wait until the full list is complete before turning it over to 100.
I have finished my GT4 at 100% and I had make all golds in licenses, and for that reason I had tried to acomlish my GT3. In GT3 the lincenses are counted to make the percentage of the game acomplised??