A few questions regarding cost and where to obtain materials.

  • Thread starter JCE


Little Elm, TX
I've been wanting to build a arcade style racing game cabinet/"cockipt" for about a decade and now I finally have the space/time/money to get started. So here's what I have planned and questions I need answers to...

  • Full sitdown enclosure with a real automobile seat.
  • Either a 24"-29" LCD screen or 3 20" LCD screens for multi-view.
  • 5.1 audio.
  • For consoles only--well, probably only XBOX/XBOX360.
  • Steel subframe with painted plywood outer shell. I'd like to find some steel/aluminum in a rectangular shape instead of cylindrical.
  • Possibility of building 2 for multiplayer.

  • What grade of steel would I need to be able to support adults with the following weight range; 200lbs-270lbs (90kgs-123kgs)?
  • Or will some thick grade aluminum work instead of steel?
  • Where would I even get some steel or aluminum for this kind of project?
  • Any ideas on how much it would cost me for the steel?
  • Anyone know the cost rate of a shop to weld the steel together for me?

I just need some answers to these questions, I've already made up my mind on style and basic design.
Well i dont know about over there but in New zealand it cost me $40US for cylindrical galv steel tube with 40mm inner bore 48mm outer per 6.5metre length. Thats overkill strength and in no way will bend. I know its nothing like you were thinking though.(Sorry I dont know inches) But the 8mm of wall. 4mm per side give you an idea for strength at least. You can put all your weight or jump on mine and it wont bend in the middle of a 1.4metre section.
Also note that there are different coatings on the steel. You can normally get it galvanised,black primed etc
Aluminum will cost more and be alot more to weld as well. Welding is expensive, especially if you get them to grind and clean it up.
Look at the more industrial business aimed steel places and shop round. Start ringing everyone in the phone book as thats the only way you will get a local price anyway. Going into rinky dink little engineering shops is always a good place to start as far as advice goes. If they cant provide you with something they will know who can. Plus for smaller sectioned stuff you might be able to arrange something with scrap metal which can cut costs dramaticly.
I'd make the base frame out of 1"x1"x1/8" steel tube (tube is rectangular in structural steel parlance). That should be plenty strong for the short spans you're talking about. You might want to make sure there are leg stubs near the seat attachment points so that load is transferred directly to the floor rather than through the frame.

For the structure above the base frame, I'd use 1"x1" thinwall steel tube. Thie should be stiff enough to support all the equipment without getting too heavy.
Hm, thanks guys. So I take it steel is actually cheaper than aluminum? Awsome, I preferred steel anyway. Oh and thanks Duke for the suggestion about seat attachments to the floor--I wouldn't of thought of that. So I should in theory build the frame around the seat and then attach them?
You might check with some of your friends to see if they can weld your frame.As for where to buy the steel check with local weld shops. Seeing that you plan on enclosing it why not just build the frame out of 2x4's because when you put the sides on the frame it will be plenty sturdy. Also make sure that you set your seat high enough so you won't be climbing out of it.