A little HTML help here...

  • Thread starter Cobraboy


Well, as my summer holidays project I'm building a go-kart. I want to make a website about it. I've done the layout in Photoshop, and the slicing and html coding in Imageready. But I have a problem. I want the images to sit right snug in the corner of the window, getting rid of that thick white border around the edges. I'd also like to be able to type on that big white area to be where I all my info goes.

I did do some html about this time last year, but I lost interest and pretty much forgot everything. So if someone would be able to fix up those little problems for me it would be very much appreciated. :) :)


  • cobraboyswebsite.zip
    29.4 KB · Views: 12
Done and done! Enjoy...

If you need any other help, feel free to ask ;)


  • cobraboy.zip
    30 KB · Views: 12
Originally posted by Cobraboy
So what exactly did you do??
He set the left, top, and right marginwidth to 0 in the body tag.
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Oh, right. And exactly how do you set it so I can right onto of the pics, set them as background images???
In your table code, use "background="/path/to/image"", like this...

<table background="/images/background.gif">

Or, if you wanted to specify a background for a particular cell or row or something...

<tr background="/images/background.gif"> or <td background="/images/background.gif">

See this page for more info. :)
Originally posted by Cobraboy
Dammit, I did exactly what Jordan did but instead, the picture just dissapears. :mad:
Post another zip file so we can take a look at it. :)