A Little Tale of Comcast

  • Thread starter Smurfybug
United States
Keasbey, NJ
So let me tell you a story of Comcast being Comcast.

So in the morning Comcast come for our neighbors, they're in the next complex. So at the time I didn't know. But I look outside and I'm like oh cool. Then I look at our modem and it's blinking with some of the lights off. I'm like ok.....they must be doing something. So I continue surfing the web and then Comcast leaves. I'm like Cool, so I reset the modem but it still does the same thing. My dad wakes up and my mom tells him everything. He's like Ok lol. But after a few hours he starts losing it. So he calls up Comcast and asks what's up. They say our modem is out of date (which it is) and that we need to buy a new one. *To this day my dad always said that he'll never buy a new one till they tell him to. But now they did, so I start laughing. But he's like wait, let me go check outside and check the cables. I'm like K. He comes up all mad. And he starts yelling that they disconnected our cable and he just plugged it back in. I'm like......Wtf. But then starts mumbling and my mom tells him to calm down. But then he started looking into the xfinity website and modems. He looks at ours and starts yelling. We bought it on 08' and they ended support in 09'. I'm just silent. So he's like Ok let's look at new routers. We have Economy Plus, so we look at the one's they give us. He likes the N300 Modem/Router. I'm say it's cool. So now he's gonna get it from Wal-Mart soon.

And that's the story of Comcast being Concast.
They're not the only things with problems.

So, your router is like old so you need a new one like? How is that a thread?
Wanted to tell the story about what happened with Comcast. It's a story to share with other customers :P
My dad's is basically the same way, but he is more inclined to listen to me since I fix the computer issues around the house. That reminds me, I have to see if we are due for a speed upgrade on our internet, and if so, change the router on ours.
Wanted to tell the story about what happened with Comcast. It's a story to share with other customers :P

There are like entire sections of the, like, internet dedicated to bitching about Comcast is, like, totally evil and some are like pretty obscure like, I dunno, the entire Internet.

But OK lol like cool story bro.
Read the whole first post and um...Goddammit, Smurfy.

Speaking of Routers, we're looking to replace one of ours (Specifically, the painfully slow AT&T issued Router). We had an issue with it for the last two years. At first, my dad had gotten a faster Router and tryed to hook it up in addition to the AT&T router to try to speed up our internet (its fast enough to support far more then our family's 13 connected devices, can't recall the exact number). However because of the AT&T issued Router, the data streams incredibly slow. We even tried moving the router from deep in the living room to about near the hall (thinking that maybe we'll get the signal better) as well as getting the data increased from 6 GBs to 18 GBs and apart from maybe a small pickup in speed, still doesn't stop the drops we have (and the accompanying screen that keeps saying I'm not connected, prompting constant restarts of our browsers).
Read the whole first post and um...Goddammit, Smurfy.

Speaking of Routers, we're looking to replace one of ours (Specifically, the painfully slow AT&T issued Router). We had an issue with it for the last two years. At first, my dad had gotten a faster Router and tryed to hook it up in addition to the AT&T router to try to speed up our internet (its fast enough to support far more then our family's 13 connected devices, can't recall the exact number). However because of the AT&T issued Router, the data streams incredibly slow. We even tried moving the router from deep in the living room to about near the hall (thinking that maybe we'll get the signal better) as well as getting the data increased from 6 GBs to 18 GBs and apart from maybe a small pickup in speed, still doesn't stop the drops we have (and the accompanying screen that keeps saying I'm not connected, prompting constant restarts of our browsers).
Wow, thing is about Comcast we're only allowed to get Cable Modems. So since we're getting the N300 that's going support our 3+ Computers, X360,PS3,Wii,Tv,Blue ray Player,iPad,and Two Ds's . So it should be good lol


But seriously. Apart from the cable being disconnected, what's the problem?


But seriously. Apart from the cable being disconnected, what's the problem?
The problem is that Comcast doesn't acknowledge that their customers want more than horrible internet and a sucky support team
Wow, thing is about Comcast we're only allowed to get Cable Modems. So since we're getting the N300 that's going support our 3+ Computers, X360,PS3,Wii,Tv,Blue ray Player,iPad,and Two Ds's . So it should be good lol

N300 isn't gonna come close to coping with that amount of devices.
N300 isn't gonna come close to coping with that amount of devices.
We don't use them all at the same time :P We have the Xfinity Economy Plus Package. They won't let us get anything else higher.