A real hero!


Yes, I am still alive.
Staff Emeritus
ASA VS MG, THE SAGA CONTINUES Wednesday 14th August

Internment without trial for whingeing wasters?

Reginald Cardigan-Farquahart has been at it again. Well if not him then one of his cronies who has complained to the Advertising Standards Authority about one of MG's press adverts.

The ad pictured an MG TF 160 car travelling round a bend on a country road; the car's wheels and the surrounding landscape were blurred. The advertisement stated "... Before you know it you're knocking on 60 ... Life can certainly pass by at an alarming rate. Especially when you're driving the new MG TF 160. One minute you're stationary, 6.9 seconds later and you will be sailing past the hedgerows at a zestful 60 miles an hour. But aside from its 75 year racing pedigree, this is hardly a car for the age conscious. Not with speed sensitive power steering and a choice of ultra responsive, mid-mounted engines powering the rear wheels (alloys of course). After all, doesn't time fly when you're having fun?...".

The complainant objected that the advertisement was likely to encourage speeding and dangerous driving. The ASA upheld the complaint and Reginald celebrated saving countless lives. Thanks Reg. We owe you.

[sarcasm]What a top notch guy! Move over, Nader![/sarcasm]