A Single Equation for Everything?

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United States
Bellingham, WA
I've been thinking about this for a while now... Is there a single mathematical equation that explains the entire universe? In essence, the answer to everything? In the scientific world, the theory that such an equation exists is called The Theory of Everything.

It just makes me think... Does anything really matter? As odd as it may seem, I don't think so. Maybe the future is predetermined through this equation. If so, than we have no control over the future, and anything that is going to happen has already been decided and will happen whether we like it or not.

Did you make the decision to read this post, or was it inevitably going to happen anyway?

Physics is all about cause and effect, so is the entire existence of human beings and everything we do just a big chain of cause and effect trailing all the way back to the very beginnings of the universe? What do you think? /Deepthoughts

I'd prefer it if this were discussed secularly. If you want to debate about God then go to the God thread.
Agreed. 42.

...And if there is an ultimate equation then it would answer a lot of questions if we had it.
Call Stephen Hawking...

I don`t know...
I have it:

x = x

Or, expanded out: it is what it is.

Also, nice to see so many Juan Montoya fans in this thread ;)
This is beyond the level of my limited intellegence. Can't help you, sorry.

I'm out.
At first it may seem like an interesting question (is there free will?), but it's not. Let's say five minutes ago you believed in free will and that you were in control of everything. Then you realized that was all wrong. What has changed?

Nothing really. I realized that this was a possibility a while back, my reaction was basically "that's interesting" and then I moved on. Nothing changed.
Aaaaaaand locked. Thanks. This thread obviously is going in the wrong direction.
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