A Small Change in Photomode

Hello guys, this is my first thread so bear with me here. I don't know if anyone has thought of this for Photomode, but I'd kind of like if PD added an option where you can take pictures of a couple or even multiple cars at the same.

My reasoning behind this is, is I find it a hassle if I lets say want to take photos of two of my cars at the same time. I'd go to arcade mode, then have to enter 2P Battle; doing all of this while activating your cars as "favorites," (if you haven't already), then choosing them in 2P Battle again & choosing a track. Then I would save the replay of my "race" & take pictures of my two cars that way. IT TAKES TOO MUCH TIME THOUGH!

I feel like PD could implement an option into the Photomode for if you want to take pictures of a single car or multiple. If you choose multiple I think they'd have to show you your "Favorites," then you choose the cars and drive.

The driving/placing the cars I don't know how it could happen, but this is just something I think would be pretty cool to implement in the next iteration of GT.

Let me know on your thoughts on this, wether it would be nice to implement, or if I just made this thread for nothing. Thanks for taking your time to read this guys.
If it could be easily and quickly added to the game, I'd say PD should go for this idea. If it will take a lot of time and resources, there are more important aspects of the game that need to be worked on first.

-I really don't think it would take much work PD to implement this option into the current Photomode. I agree though with you that if it would take a lot of man power to make this happen, I wouldn't want them to stray away from more important things that should be in the game. I would just like this if PD have time & knew how to implement it into the game "quickly" and efficiently.
Nice idea! They could implement it so you control each car exactly the same way as you move around the avatar in the current photomode. You'd think it'd be simple, quick and definitely worthwhile to put in 👍
Yeah, if they were to model like the top of a multistory car park at night or an old gas station so that way they could accommodate more cars during the Photomode option. PD should do this though if they have time and after they upgrade other more important areas of the game. This is my two cents though.
Great idea there is certainly a little room for improvement in the photo mode department. I for one take most shots while I'm on the track. The pictures just look better when you have multiple cars sometimes.
Great idea there is certainly a little room for improvement in the photo mode department. I for one take most shots while I'm on the track. The pictures just look better when you have multiple cars sometimes.

They really do, but it's hard taking pictures of more than one car, especially online where most don't have the patience to take pictures during a race. I've tried this once and failed miserably so if this were implemented, then problem solved for me at least.