A Spec points vs. B Spec points and why should I care?

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Really what is the purpose for them? Are they redeemable for something cool in the game? And which are more important?


A quick look in the GT4 FAQs thread stickied at the top of this forum would result in finding the answers in questions:

16. What are A-Spec points/ how do I maximize them?

Famine does a great job of explaining how they work HERE.

Other than that, A-Spec points are only for bragging rights.


17. What are B-spec points/ how do I maximize them?

There is a thread with several links in it to help you, found HERE.

I'm sure they'll contain what you need to know.
First, please look at the sticy threads above, specifically:
Most questions, including the ones you just asked are answered there.

However, to help answer your questions, the purpose of A-spec & B-spec points is equivalent to a "score" in other games. They simply tell you how many points you have acquired. They are just one of many challenges GT4 offers players, but they are not required, nor do they effect game play by changing performance, unlocking features, or adding to your game completion percentage.

B-spec skill points (Machine, Course, & Battle), do effect game play by improving your B-spec driver’s skill levels.
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