A tip for quicker two-for-one car deals

Everyone knows that we are limited to one car gifted per account per day, however here's a trick to somewhat get around this problem. If you are trading two cars for one, the other person must wait until the next day to recieve their second car. This is somewhat quicker if the deal is done close to midnight (or at least the two-car gifter's midnight). However, as long as you haven't gifted a car yet, IT IS ALWAYS ALMOST MIDNIGHT ON PS3.
Say it's 5:00pm, and you owe someone two cars. You can gift one now, but then wait for seven hours until you can gift the other one, right? No! Simply gift the first car, quit the game, then go to your settings on the XMB, find the 'Date and Time Settings' and CHANGE YOUR TIME ZONE to one where it is already tomorrow, then restart the game and gift the second vehicle right away.

Glad to help, no applause necessary. Well, maybe a bit. Okay, sit back down, this is ridiculous, and stop doing the wave!
Seems a good idea but I reckon somewhere along the lines there will be an affect on something else...
Well I'll admit I haven't tested it extensively, but I used it last night. I had done a trade earlier in the day and it wouldn't let me gift a P4 in a trade for two other cars. So I told the other party to send the first car shortly before midnight, and then after midnight our accounts would be reset, and we could exchange the other two cars and complete the deal. Of course, due to my unconscious Eastern Standard Time chauvinism, it seemed a brilliant realization that it is always midnight somewhere. And while the game will not accept a wrong date and time if you input it manually, it shouldn't know the difference between a correct time (from the internet) in the right time zone, and a correct time (still from the internet) in the wrong time zone. So I tried it, and I was able to gift my P4 at 11:30 pm my time after switching my time zone to one that was closer to GMT by one hour (so 12:30am the next morning). After gifting the car, the other party recieved it, and I switched the time zone back.

After that, I started the game again, hoping the game would think it was another new day since I had switched back to my time zone, and hoping it would reset the previous day's gift, I tried to gift another car to one of my other accounts. No dice. Then I switched the time zone forward again, hoping that maybe the game would reset the number of cars given every time it counted a new day forwards, but again no luck. Oh well, so there probably isn't a time zone exploit to gift unlimited cars on the same account on the same day, but at least we can eliminate the wait inherent in two-for-one deals. I am going to keep testing this though, to see if I can find any other cracks in the armour. I thought (but I was tired, so I could be wrong) that after switching to the other time zone the second time, the game gave me five new museum cards, which I took as a good sign, because if it reset the museum cards, and kept giving me five new ones every time I loaded the game at a time before midnight, then quit, changed the time zone forward, and reloaded the game at a time after midnight, then maybe it would also give me a clean slate on gifting cars. But the gift to myself didn't work, so either the museum cards' refreshment is tracked through a different mechanism, or I was completely wrong about recieving new ones the second time, which is distinctly possible, lol.

I will continue testing that later today.
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Well, I don't know why it worked last night, because it did NOT work at all today, no matter what I did. Unless you all have better luck, I can't figure out why it seemed to work then, but not now. Maybe it had something to do with it being so close to midnight last night (11:30 pm), but that doesn't really make sense. Oh well. If I get anything I'll update here, but I doubt it.
If you have the cars in voucher form (ie never redeemed) you can send multiple cars a day.

You can only send 1 car from your garage a day. Hope that tip helps.
Yes that's a good way around it too, if you have a voucher for a specific car you can gift it without limit if you make sure you don't redeem it. That's great for prize cars, but when doing the birthday exploit, which I use to get some good tradables, you must redeem the voucher or you won't know what car you have. Some years have around twenty-five cars from which one car is chosen randomly as your birthday car, so it can take quite a long time to get the car you're looking for, lol. But not near as long as trying to save up 20,000,000 to buy it legit, ha-ha.
Now, just to update, I tried to do the time zone thing last night, and it worked! I was able to give three different cars to TrackStarGT/RayderRN within about twenty minutes! Here's what I think happened:
When I tested it yesterday, it was about 2:30pm EST (my time) on Dec. 3, and I moved the time zone as far forward as possible, to GMT+11hrs I think, so that the PS3 thought it was about 7:30am Dec. 4, and it did NOT reset my gift car limit. I couldn't give a car. But then last night, again at around 11:20pm (Dec. 3), I moved the time zone ahead by only one hour, so that the PS3 thought it was 12:20am Dec. 4, and it worked, I gifted a car to TrackStarGT/RayderRN. So I thought, well, it must know somehow that the big jump from GMT-5hrs (EST) to GMT+11hrs was not legit, but when I only jumped ahead by one hour, it couldn't distinguish. I jumped ahead one hour to a time zone that was still within Canada (my country), so I think maybe the game or the system tries to match your time zone with the country you said you're from when you first create the account. If they don't match (if you said you're in Canada but you change the time zone to a Russian time zone) the game won't reset your gift car limit, but if they do match (if you said you're in Canada and you change the time zone to another Canadian time zone) then it WILL reset you gift car limit, and you will be able to give another car.
That's not the best part. This means that you can still only give two cars every two days, for even though you give two in one day, the game THINKS it's the next day, so you still can't give any more cars until the next day (in this case, I can give two cars on Dec. 3 by lying to the game and saying the second one is actually given on Dec. 4, but I still can't give another gift car until 12:01am Dec. 5). So you couldn't give two cars per day, you can just trick the game into letting you give two cars one at the price of zero cars the next day. That is the cost. It would allow quicker two-for-ones, but not MORE trades.
BUT I was able to give TrackStarGT/RayderRN three cars in twenty minutes, as well as the one the previous night, after midnight, for a total of four cars in one twenty-four hour period. I did this by the following procedure, see if you can figure out what the system is doing to allow this, maybe we can exploit it for unlimited gift cars until they finally remove the limit in a patch (I hope):
1. Gifted a car at 12:30am Dec. 3. In theory, I can no longer gift another car until 12:01am Dec. 4
2. At 11:20-ish pm Dec. 3, I tried to gift a car, and the game would not let me
3. I quit the game, set the time zone one hour forward so that at 11:20pm EST Dec. 3 the game thought it was 12:20am Dec. 4, and then I restarted the game.
4. When the game loaded, I was given five new museum cards, and when I tried to gift a car, it worked. I then wanted to test if I could re-reset it.
5. I quit the game, set the time zone BACK to EST (it was about 11:30pm Dec. 3)
6. I restarted the game, tried to gift a car, and it didn't work. However at this point I believe the game reset the next day's limit because:
7. I quit the game, set the time zone forward so that it was 12:30-ish am Dec. 4,
8. Restarted the game, tried to gift a car, and it worked! That's 3 cars since 12:30am Dec. 3, at about 11:30pm Dec. 3, the same day.
9. When I quit and did it again (time zone back one hour, restart, quit, time zone forward one hour, restart, gift) the same as above, it didn't work
10. So I tried moving the time zone back further, but still within the same country, and then forward again, and it worked. I was able to gift ANOTHER car, for a total of four cars in one twenty-four hour period, and three in twenty minutes or so.

Tonight I will take notes and give more details tomorrow, so we can maybe find the upper limit here, but I think it has to do with the number of time zones in your country. If anyone else has any thoughts here, please chime in. I will also try to get TrackStarGT/RayderRN to chime in here to confirm that he did indeed get three cars from me in twenty minutes (how are you doing that? he said, ha-ha) and four in twenty-four hours.
I am the party that samiam speaks of. We traded multiple cars in the span of a few minutes, I got three cars from him and I sent him two, one right after another. It worked great!! Oh and +2 for samiam on trade rep!!
I tried using it the othe rnight. It didn't seem to work for me, not certain why for some it works and others it doesn't!
Jordan, make sure you read my last post, I know it's really long and probably repeats itself, but it explains exactly what I did when it worked for me, and exactly what I did when it didn't work as well. I don't have it all figured out yet, but I'm getting there.