A word to the wise.

United Kingdom
I just sent a car and did the old save and delete the game save trick. Sadly i didnt think it through veyr well and claimed all my online money before puting the new save on and have just lost about 305 million that my b spec drivers had earned. I have clearly also lost all the experience that i had recieved with them too.
I just sent a car and did the old save and delete the game save trick. Sadly i didnt think it through veyr well and claimed all my online money before puting the new save on and have just lost about 305 million that my b spec drivers had earned. I have clearly also lost all the experience that i had recieved with them too.

Oh man, I know exactly how you feel. I have done the same thing before and lost about 2 million one day and a few driver levels. Needless to say I wasn't happy. It happens and it sucks, luckily it only happened that one time.
305 million? On several accounts I assume?

If I've read this BBS carefully enough I thought I read that you can only load 20 million max into your account from a bob. The bob's can collect more, it just can't be used in any way once at the 20 mil mark. So the most you lost on a single account would be 120 mil. Plus the 20 million max in the bank already.

I haven't come close to this problem you have! :D