Able to get a HD from overseas?

  • Thread starter Vasco


Salting the snail
United States
San Francisco, CA
Can I get a Hard Drive from overseas (NTSC region) and bring it over here to connect through the USB ports, and will it work? Thanks in advance.
The core power required by Hard Drives is the same, no matter where they were built or where they are being run.

So the question is how is the drive that you're buying getting its power? You say you want to plug it into your USB port (also not geographically-dependent), so if the drive is taking its power from the USB port, you're all set. If the drive is getting its power from an external power supply, that's where you may have trouble.

However, you can be sneaky, and buy the drive from overseas, then contact the manufacturer's local service arm. Feed them some nonsense about dropping the power supply and can you buy a new one, and there you go!

Obviously this, together with the shipping of the drive itself, is going to cost you some cash, which you will need to factor in if you're doing a price comparison.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
The core power required by Hard Drives is the same, no matter where they were built or where they are being run.

So the question is how is the drive that you're buying getting its power? You say you want to plug it into your USB port (also not geographically-dependent), so if the drive is taking its power from the USB port, you're all set. If the drive is getting its power from an external power supply, that's where you may have trouble.

However, you can be sneaky, and buy the drive from overseas, then contact the manufacturer's local service arm. Feed them some nonsense about dropping the power supply and can you buy a new one, and there you go!

Obviously this, together with the shipping of the drive itself, is going to cost you some cash, which you will need to factor in if you're doing a price comparison.
So basically, unless the hardrive you are buying has to be plugged into a powerpoint or any other external power source, you'll be right?
Originally posted by Shannon
So basically, unless the hardrive you are buying has to be plugged into a powerpoint or any other external power source, you'll be right?

That's my belief, yes.
Oh ok...well, it won't be shipped...but would a 160GB Hard Drive fit into a laptop? We currently have a 30 GB one, but maybe an internal might have to be the option, seeing as it sounds like we might have trouble getting an external one...
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
Oh ok...well, it won't be shipped...but would a 160GB Hard Drive fit into a laptop? We currently have a 30 GB one, but maybe an internal might have to be the option, seeing as it sounds like we might have trouble getting an external one...
Laptop hardrives cost a heap more than normal HDDs. You're better off getting an external one.
Ok, I'll try and check the compatibility of Hard Drives with USB...