AC/DC Drummer Phil Rudd Charged in Murder Plot

This should be in the opinions forum.

I wonder why someone who can have anything he likes would do something like this.
This should be in the opinions forum.

I wonder why someone who can have anything he likes would do something like this.

Anything he likes... like arranging a murder.

Very strange indeed.
This makes me wonder how long the AC/DC will stay as a band. Malcolm Young had to quit just months ago and now this guy goes in jail.
"What do you do for money, honey?" He must have some big balls. I guess if he wants blood, he's got it.
Is it just me or does this seem like either:

A few people were out to get the guy and set up this accusation to ruin his name or whatever..


The guy has sway with a few influential figures and a large bank balance and was able to make the issue disappear?

Definitely the wrong section for this. Needs moving to O&CE.
Looks like he traded his drumming career for selling shoes. Concrete shoes.

High Voltage?

Nope, contracts! :sly:
Let's be fair here, what a great promotion for their music. I was already a mediocre fan but now I'm gonna look up a playlist so that I can really get into AC/DC. Could it have worked out any better for them?