Acadamy start time...

  • Thread starter Daniel46
Doesn't the academy start on the same date for every country? I live in Italy and when I want to register it says it starts on march 18th...
Mi sa che come al solito la burocrazia italiana ci ha messo lo zampino / I Guess that as usual it's about an Italian bureaucracy failure.
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Damn!! Isn't there any way to get into the Academy if i make a german account? i'm sure i will not win, i just want to race and see how fast i am.
But anyone knows the italian laws about competitions? I hope our (italian) deadline will be 14 days after the "Europe's" deadline.
Dato che passeranno il turno i primi 20 italiani, saremo comunque tutti sullo stesso piano. Buona competizione, allora, al 18 marzo.

As top 20 drivers for each region will pass to 2nd stage, don't matter! Italian drivers will not be disadvantaged for the 1st round.

We just have to wait for the fun.

Damn!! Isn't there any way to get into the Academy if i make a german account? i'm sure i will not win, i just want to race and see how fast i am.

Sure, you can, imho. But if you pass the 1st stage have to go to Germany and then they catch you.

What the hell is this???? Why do we have to wait until the 18th?
I'm so pissed right now since the french, spanish, german, british, irish, dutch people etc are already doing it...
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I called S.B.C.O (Simple Business Complication Office) and they tell me to call again only when I had compiled N12s4 module, necessary for requesting the permission to have a chat with the in charge officer. LOL Like usually in Italy the simpliest thing began much more of complicated...

Ho chiamato l'U.C.A.S. (Ufficio Complicazione Affari Semplici) e mi hanno detto di richiamare solo quando avrò compilato il modulo N12s4, necessario per richiedere il permesso di parlare all'impiegato in carica. LOL Come al solito in Italia le cose più semplici diventano molto più che complicate... 👎
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What the hell is this???? Why do we have to wait until the 18th?
I'm so pissed right now since the french, spanish, german, british, irish, dutch people etc are already doing it...

how do you think we feel ???? (Belgian drivers)
Just read the rules, although you get less time to perfect your time (those drivers in Italy), So do those you are competing with at this stage... So you are not disadvantaged.