Acura HSC

Here's my st up for this cool @ss car...

Shocks 14.0/15.0
Ride 70/70
Bound 5/6
Rebound 6/7
Camber 2.0/1.0
Toe 0/0
Stab 4/5

I've done it up to the max with all the bells and whistles... but no wing (not even sure if you can add one to it...) and with racing hards
Nice - Those settings must be good because starting from scratch I ended up with something very similar! Here's my setup... w/ this I lapped twin-ring Montegi at 1'54.677 on sport soft tires (also after buying all the options):

Brakes: [ 13 / 9 ]

oversteer [0 ]
understeer [0 ]
TCS [ 2 ]

initial [18]
accel [47]
decel [16]

Downforce: [ 30 / 30 ] (wing's fugly, but it works)

Shocks: [14.3 / 15.0]
Height: [79 / 79]
Bound: [4 / 5]
Rebound [6 / 6]
Camber [2.5 / 3.5] (lower these if you go w/ better tires)
Toe [ 0 / 0 ]
Stabilizers [ 3 / 5 ]