ADD or just a teen?

  • Thread starter Katiegan


Wrenching Wench
United Kingdom
West Yorkshire
Okay, this is something that's been bothering me for a while now. I've sat down a few times and spoken to my mum about it, and I really do trust her, our relationship is more of a best friend thing than mother and daughter. I've talked to her about possibly having ADD, but she just either dismisses it as me just being a teen or gets irritated and says, "Well, what do you want me to do about it?!"

Here's the case - I get distracted easily. I mean, really easily. I'm 14 years old, 15 in November. Even when typing this I'm getting distracted. I'm actually trying pretty hard to stay focused on typing this in less than half an hour. After typing, or at school writing a sentence, I just stop, and look around, and my imagination just wanders for about 5 minutes, then I'll either eventually resume to my work on my own or someone will have to say, "Katie? Um... hello?" and shake me out of my daydream.

It's really starting to affect me - I'm missing out on dates with my boyfriend because I get distracted from replying to his texts. I could potentially be losing out on getting decent grades at school because I never finish an exam, because I always get distracted and start looking around. It's starting to annoy my online friends, because they can't see what I'm doing, they think I've just got bored of them and left them, and I don't want to talk to them anymore. I'll start projects, come up with race series ideas, and then just get distracted from them or lose interest. It's getting worse. I'll start describing something to somebody, and then I'll slow down to a stop, and then ask the person I'm talking to what I was talking about. I did it the other day, but guess what? I can't remember what I was talking about.

Have I got some sort of ADD? Or am I just being a typical gamer teen?
I think its fairly blunt of your mum to get irritated. There are many things she can do as shown with my own mum and my brother. Have you applied for special considerations at school for exams? Usually they give you more time...
I am not about to diagnose you as doing that over the internet is silly and you should really get professionally tested, but the symptoms point to something more than just a lazy teenager, yes.
Sounds like you have it. But it's a lot more rare for a girl to have it than a guy. So yeah, you should just get yourself tested by a professional. I have ADHD and took medication for it. It really helped me keep focus. Fortunately it wears off as you get older.
Just a teenager, I'm the exact same, except I've perfected the art of not only not listening to someone, but having no clue on what subject that person was talking about.:)
EDIT: Hang on... let me reply properly. I only saw one reply... need to refresh the page more :lol:

I think its fairly blunt of your mum to get irritated. There are many things she can do as shown with my own mum and my brother. Have you applied for special considerations at school for exams? Usually they give you more time...
I am not about to diagnose you as doing that over the internet is silly and you should really get professionally tested, but the symptoms point to something more than just a lazy teenager, yes.

It's surprised me that she did get irritated. She's a very relaxed person and would never really ignore someone looking for help. She just seems rather touchy on that subject when I try to discuss it with her.

I don't think my school actually has special considerations in exams. Only for people with dyslexia or known problems and the 'not so smart' kids. I have average/above average intelligence, depending on the subject... so I think that might be why people are dismissing it? But I'm not as smart as I used to be. My grades are getting lower, only by a sub-grade, but that could count in the final exams.

I'm not sure I want professional help until I have some idea if this stuff is a sign of slight ADD or just myself being a typical teen.

Sounds like you have it. But it's a lot more rare for a girl to have it than a guy. So yeah, you should just get yourself tested by a professional. I have ADHD and took medication for it. It really helped me keep focus. Fortunately it wears off as you get older.

That's another reason why I was confused. But I mainly dismissed it because I read it on the net!

Just a teenager, I'm the exact same, except I've perfected the art of not only not listening to someone, but having no clue on what subject that person was talking about.:)

Haha, I've done that many a time!
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Wow I'm a guy, but I thought I was alone with getting distracted over everything.. I'll be in the middle of class and wont be able to finish a question on the board cause I'll be to distracted by something. Very annoying.
I had something like that in school, too, but it may seem like you have it worse than you do since most people want you to be able to focus on one boring thing.

If you miss texts, keep your phone closer or try a different alert setting (ringing versus vibrate). If you can't pay attention in school, try Khan Academy out. The solution will differ based on who you ask the question to. A psychologist might have something that you can do every day to practice paying attention, while a doctor will offer you a pill, and a teacher might tell you to write more things in your daily planner, etc.
Oh the ever too present problems of the ADHD/ADD. How I love it! Anyways, that sounds pretty dang close to the symptoms of the ADD but as Boffin said, seek professional help. Never rely on the interwebs for a correct answer especially when it comes to health matters. But in any case, If you do have it Welcome to our world and enjoy the stay. It's actually not as bad as people say it is. Not only that but you have people here who share in this weird and awesome experience and support you in any way possible. 👍
I have a hard time too but never really responded to amphetamines. Never tried any other drugs but instead just deal with it on my own. You have to work twice as hard staying focused and on-task. Harder than whatever you're studying or doing anyway.
Wow I'm a guy, but I thought I was alone with getting distracted over everything.. I'll be in the middle of class and wont be able to finish a question on the board cause I'll be to distracted by something. Very annoying.

I do that sometimes. It's the main reason why I don't raise my hand for a question!

I had something like that in school, too, but it may seem like you have it worse than you do since most people want you to be able to focus on one boring thing.

If you miss texts, keep your phone closer or try a different alert setting (ringing versus vibrate). If you can't pay attention in school, try Khan Academy out. The solution will differ based on who you ask the question to. A psychologist might have something that you can do every day to practice paying attention, while a doctor will offer you a pill, and a teacher might tell you to write more things in your daily planner, etc.

I do have both vibrate and sound on, and my alert tone is actually a turbo engine! Not exatcly something that can blend into the background... but it seems to do in my case. Thanks for the link! I'll check it out. 👍

Oh the ever too present problems of the ADHD/ADD. How I love it! Anyways, that sounds pretty dang close to the symptoms of the ADD but as Boffin said, seek professional help. Never rely on the interwebs for a correct answer especially when it comes to health matters. But in any case, If you do have it Welcome to our world and enjoy the stay. It's actually not as bad as people say it is. Not only that but you have people here who share in this weird and awesome experience and support you in any way possible. 👍

That's why I was very cautious of the stuff I read on the net. I somehow managed to read a large blog entry about how girls with ADD often don't get diagnosed with it until they're much older and it becomes an even bigger problem. But then again, you can type in the symptoms of a cold and the internet will tell you you've got 3 days left to live because you've got a brain tumour, lung cancer and pneumonia.

I have a hard time too but never really responded to amphetamines. Never tried any other drugs but instead just deal with it on my own. You have to work twice as hard staying focused and on-task. Harder than whatever you're studying or doing anyway.

That's my weakness... I can never motivate myself to do anything. Some days I'll wake up thinking I'll kick my butt into gear and focus... and then I don't. But that does sound more like being a teenager, so... :P
Sounds like you could have ADD. I have it, and the trouble paying attention, losing interest and similar were a big problem for me until I talked to my Doctor and he prescribed me some meds. Now those problems are rare, except for days I wake up late or when my dose needs to be increased due to me growing/gaining weight etc. Point is, talk to your doctor about it, and see what can be done to limit or eliminate the problem. Also, my school grants me double time on Exams and allows me to write in a quieter setting (With less people, less oppurtunity for distraction), because not being able to pay attention just leads to problems, but there are things that can be done about it. Good luck,
I actually daydream. Usually it doesn't happen frequently, but from time to time I seem to go off looking at something else and just dream slightly. This doesn't occur when I'm in school but when I speak to friends (admittedly opposite genders) I tend to do that more. Same thing happens when I'm at home or elsewhere apart from school. I also notice that I pace around a lot, but I don't feel any anxiety or anything like that. I guess I can describe it as "something to do" rather than standing/sitting there. Particular moments I don't even remember pacing, which is weird.

Anyway, I agree with Boffin.
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I've had ADD/ADHD my whole life (I'm over 30), as unfortunately, I didn't grow out of it like most do. I've had time to try a lot of management approaches, and if I were to go back in time and give my younger self advice, I would probably suggest exercise and something like biofeedback before resorting to meds. They just didn't work for me, and even if they do, the side-effects can be bothersome.

Most importantly though, as several others have said, you really need to talk to a doctor about it, because there are several other things it could be.
Yeah, go to a doctor, get a ton of meds. And get another ton when something else pops up. Doctors will be happy, pharmacists will be happy, heck, even you might be happy for a bit after the meds kick-in.

How did people live before somebody invented ADD/ADHD etc diagnoses?

Instead, some kids were called 'absent-minded'. Yes, they had to work harder to get things done that needed persistent effort. On the other hand, the same kids were getting ten times the amount of ideas that a "normal" person gets and were quite a bit more successful 'creative' disciplines.

My point - what you have could also be your advantage if you use it right. And if you need something done - cut down on distractions. Turn off your cell/internet/PC/Mac/whatever, close blinds, close doors and work.

Not too seem too ignorant: I'm sure if current standards were applied to me back in high school - I'd get the diagnosis easily. But if you realize you have a problem - you can significantly improve your focus with help of external devices. For example - when I knew I needed to get homework done in early college I used to record myself on a loop tape and rig the play button to my chair. So if I get up - it would say "get back to work" or smth. Didn't work everytime, but usually I got back on track enough times to be able to generally hit my due dates.
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Yeah, go to a doctor, get a ton of meds. And get another ton when something else pops up. Doctors will be happy, pharmacists will be happy, heck, even you might be happy for a bit after the meds kick-in.

How did people live before somebody invented ADD/ADHD etc diagnoses?

Instead, some kids were called 'absent-minded'. Yes, they had to work harder to get things done that needed persistent effort. On the other hand, the same kids were getting ten times the amount of ideas that a "normal" person gets and were quite a bit more successful 'creative' disciplines.

My point - what you have could also be your advantage if you use it right. And if you need something done - cut down on distractions. Turn off your cell/internet/PC/Mac/whatever, close blinds, close doors and work.

Your sentiment about medications isn't that far off from what I was thinking when I suggested biofeedback and exercise. That said, a diagnosis by a competent doctor IS important. They, unlike us, can tell the difference between ADD, depression, OCD, ASD and probably a bunch of other things I've never heard of.

You're quite right that ADD can be a advantage, too. I've never seen it as a disability for me. Still, some people experience some pretty hefty symptoms that arguably negate any benefit. Managing those symptoms in whatever way works for an individual person makes sense to me, whether that's with the latest behavioral psychology fad, exercise, meditation, or even meds.
Sounds like me. I'd say its normal and I'm 17. Up until my teen years it never bothered me.
I....XsnipX.... but the symptoms point to something more than just a lazy teenager, yes.


Try not to stress out about it. The fact that you are looking into yourself is a good sign that you are not an 'advanced' case. Try different options till you feel comfortable with one; counselling, yoga, special enviroments, your GP and, as a final (and professionally proscribed resort) medication.

As someone else mentioned here - you will tend (due to social programming) to handle your focus and concentration better as you grow older.

I have a 14 year old son, diagnosed with ADHD (when he was in Gr.1) - who is extremely intelligent, hyperactive, and bored out of his mind unless engaged in a very complex neural experience. Certified as a truly gifted kid he attends a special school that resembles a miniature NASA complex with electronic and science labs that would rival a University's, as well as a huge concentration on the Arts. There are less than 150 students in the school, and contains only grades 9 and 10. They go to a different complex when it's time for Grs. 11 and 12. The report cards are astounding.
He never needed medication - but as soon as the symptoms showed up he was given special care and attention; and it has paid off hugely. You have something special in you that, if cared for, will blossom into skills that will not only bring you the income you need to survive safely, but will help you gather like-minded friends, and do the things that make you happy.

Take care - and the best of luck, and health, to you. :cheers:

P.S. Taking more photographs of your cats will help to train your focus in a happy relaxed way. Plus, your gallery needs updating.. . . ;)
You may also wish to ask a few of your friends, who have seen you in action so to speak. I think their advice would likely be more accurate than what you'll get from random people online.

But the best advice remains, if you're really having doubts then consult a professional.
I never really told anyone that I get distracted - I really do. Say I'm in school. I'll get distracted by nearly anything, both since I'm bored in class or for some other reason (can't explain). I wonder if that is why I forget so easily (literally seconds after someone says something, or something happens) and have trouble learning.
I would follow the general advice of 'see a professional.' That'll clear it up once and for all, and even if you don't have ADD, then perhaps he/she can give you a few tips for better concentration.
Wow... I'm getting a lot more feedback than I expected, haha! XD

I see a lot of people are mainly suggesting that I should seek a professional. Thing is - I hate anywhere medical. I will only go to the doctors/hospital if it's something really bad or urgent. Other than that I just tend to suffer and hope it passes. Which, I suppose, is something I've been doing with my whole Do I have ADD? thing. I've just been putting it off and basically, hoping it passes, or hoping another solution will pop up. I don't really want to end up taking meds all the time, because I hate tablets/pills. I can barely take a hayfever tablet - and they're pretty damn small! I have soluble paracetamol because I purely can't take the tablet. So, unless it's a syrup or it's soluble, I won't be too keen on taking the meds.

I'm not too confident about talking to my school about it. I just seem to think they won't take me seriously. I concentrate better when there's background noise - mainly music. When I'm doing something at home, be it homework, cleaning my room, or helping out with the car, having music on in the background helps me work. Silent rooms don't help me at all, they make me feel under pressure, and I just get this sense that everyone around me is finding the exam easy, and here I am not even half way through and the exam finishes in 20 minutes. For a few lessons, my maths teacher (maths is probably my weakest subject) played music in the background whilst we worked. It wasn't loud and overpowering, it was just in the background. I did a lot more work and concentrated more in those lessons. But I very much doubt that the school will introduce that - people have tried asking before, I believe, and have basically been laughed at. Unfortunately, my school doesn't really listen to the opinion of the students. We do have a 'Student Voice' team, but most suggestions fall on deaf ears. In the 3 years that I've been there, it's been in the local newspaper, and news on TV, several times for negative reasons. I think it's only been shed in a positive light for getting the best GCSE results in the school's history.

P.S. Taking more photographs of your cats will help to train your focus in a happy relaxed way. Plus, your gallery needs updating.. . . ;)

Those cats aren't actually mine, they're my neighbours' cats! I don't own any cats myself as my mum is allergic. I have a fish... but he's pretty hard to take photos of. I'm guessing by that photography in general helps concentration? I should really take more photos then... :lol:. I was hoping to have a photoshoot with our car, but the weather isn't liking that idea. :indiff:
Dear sweetest OP:

Nothing is wrong with you, please DO NOT take medications....

Again: because you have nothing wrong...

you will grow out of it naturally. The world is big and overwhelming, you are a little bird paying attention to your surrounding...

once you learn to be more at peace with YOURSELF, you will be more chill and will stop being distracted...

BUT please dont start convincing yourself that you are weird,
DONT give yourself excuses for your distraction!

You are alright in my book, just do what you most enjoy and focus on that...

I just feel despise that nowadays, the world and humanity has this tendency to depend on medication at the very first little booboo...

Stop it, please stop living in this bubble wrap life...

Enjoy the sun, enjoy the simple things, and there is nothing wrong being easily distracted... you are still a human being just like anyone else... you are not anything less... we are different and you dont need to justify and disqualify yourself because of your differences.
Wow... I'm getting a lot more feedback than I expected, haha! XD

I see a lot of people are mainly suggesting that I should seek a professional. Thing is - I hate anywhere medical. I will only go to the doctors/hospital if it's something really bad or urgent. Other than that I just tend to suffer and hope it passes. Which, I suppose, is something I've been doing with my whole Do I have ADD? thing. I've just been putting it off and basically, hoping it passes, or hoping another solution will pop up. I don't really want to end up taking meds all the time, because I hate tablets/pills. I can barely take a hayfever tablet - and they're pretty damn small! I have soluble paracetamol because I purely can't take the tablet. So, unless it's a syrup or it's soluble, I won't be too keen on taking the meds.

I'm not too confident about talking to my school about it. I just seem to think they won't take me seriously. I concentrate better when there's background noise - mainly music. When I'm doing something at home, be it homework, cleaning my room, or helping out with the car, having music on in the background helps me work. Silent rooms don't help me at all, they make me feel under pressure, and I just get this sense that everyone around me is finding the exam easy, and here I am not even half way through and the exam finishes in 20 minutes. For a few lessons, my maths teacher (maths is probably my weakest subject) played music in the background whilst we worked. It wasn't loud and overpowering, it was just in the background. I did a lot more work and concentrated more in those lessons. But I very much doubt that the school will introduce that - people have tried asking before, I believe, and have basically been laughed at. Unfortunately, my school doesn't really listen to the opinion of the students. We do have a 'Student Voice' team, but most suggestions fall on deaf ears. In the 3 years that I've been there, it's been in the local newspaper, and news on TV, several times for negative reasons. I think it's only been shed in a positive light for getting the best GCSE results in the school's history.

Those cats aren't actually mine, they're my neighbours' cats! I don't own any cats myself as my mum is allergic. I have a fish... but he's pretty hard to take photos of. I'm guessing by that photography in general helps concentration? I should really take more photos then... :lol:. I was hoping to have a photoshoot with our car, but the weather isn't liking that idea. :indiff:

It sounds like ADD but I cannot be the one to properly judge that and some doctors do misdiagnose ADD as well. I was diagnosed with it and it turned out I had something else (Asperger's). If you do not want to go to a doctor try asking your friends (and family, if possible), to sit down with you and maybe you can go over what you feel may be going wrong, or what they may feel is an issue.
It sounds like you have an ADD, its not normal to get distracted that easily (lots of people have ADD so its not "strange" either.), from what you have said it sounds like yours may be quite bad. Go and have a chat with a teacher you can trust or your head of year at school, they will and should be able to help, them just being aware will help you hugely as they will be able to give you more support and realise that you arn't just being lazy and not listening. You also should be given extra time in exams.

DON'T feel that you are strange, ADD is pretty common. Everyone is unique. ADD will not bar you to success (Speilberg, JFK, picasso and many more successful people have ADHD.).
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Dear sweetest OP:

Nothing is wrong with you, please DO NOT take medications....

Again: because you have nothing wrong...

you will grow out of it naturally. The world is big and overwhelming, you are a little bird paying attention to your surrounding...

once you learn to be more at peace with YOURSELF, you will be more chill and will stop being distracted...

BUT please dont start convincing yourself that you are weird,
DONT give yourself excuses for your distraction!

You are alright in my book, just do what you most enjoy and focus on that...

I just feel despise that nowadays, the world and humanity has this tendency to depend on medication at the very first little booboo...

Stop it, please stop living in this bubble wrap life...

Enjoy the sun, enjoy the simple things, and there is nothing wrong being easily distracted... you are still a human being just like anyone else... you are not anything less... we are different and you dont need to justify and disqualify yourself because of your differences.

Well, that was my point I was bringing across. I don't want to take medication! :scared: Very nice words though, I'll remember those. 👍

It sounds like ADD but I cannot be the one to properly judge that and some doctors do misdiagnose ADD as well. I was diagnosed with it and it turned out I had something else (Asperger's). If you do not want to go to a doctor try asking your friends (and family, if possible), to sit down with you and maybe you can go over what you feel may be going wrong, or what they may feel is an issue.

I may try and talk about it with my friends if I get the chance, but I don't think my parents will take me seriously if I try to talk about it with them - which I already have. :indiff:

It sounds like you have an ADD, its not normal to get distracted that easily (lots of people have ADD so its not "strange" either.), from what you have said it sounds like yours may be quite bad. Go and have a chat with a teacher you can trust or your head of year at school, they will and should be able to help, them just being aware will help you hugely as they will be able to give you more support and realise that you arn't just being lazy and not listening. You also should be given extra time in exams.

DON'T feel that you are strange, ADD is pretty common. Everyone is unique. ADD will not bar you to success (Speilberg, JFK, picasso and many more successful people have ADHD.).

Like I've said before, I'm not too sure if I can trust any teachers in my school. I know everyone says their school is terrible, but mine really is horrific :lol:. We don't have a head of year, probably because my year is the worst in the school :scared:. We had to have our timetables completely rearranged because the behaviour was that bad. Unfortunately, my school seems to be more bothered about the way you look rather than the way you learn. Come into my school with dyed hair that isn't a natural colour? Excluded. Got an issue with learning? Go fend for yourself. Got a kid punching you in the face? LOLOL, not my problem. My school was once in the paper because the head teacher ignored a girl who was beaten up at school, by a boy. The girl has since moved schools.

I would like extra time on my exams, but because I'm in the higher sets, they probably won't see me as someone who needs help with exams and just put me off. :guilty:
Well, I would say you should seek professional help, like most already did. I remember my 10 years of the Folkeskole (public school in Denmark. My tenth year was from August 2011 to June 2012), as the worst ever. So, I'm also suggesting, that you take a look at some other schools, near you, if possible. If the teachers, on your current school, just ignores everything, I believe, it's not a good place to be.
I may try and talk about it with my friends if I get the chance, but I don't think my parents will take me seriously if I try to talk about it with them - which I already have. :indiff:

They need to take you seriously though. If they don't then they can't help you.

Like I've said before, I'm not too sure if I can trust any teachers in my school. I know everyone says their school is terrible, but mine really is horrific :lol:. We don't have a head of year, probably because my year is the worst in the school :scared:. We had to have our timetables completely rearranged because the behaviour was that bad. Unfortunately, my school seems to be more bothered about the way you look rather than the way you learn. Come into my school with dyed hair that isn't a natural colour? Excluded. Got an issue with learning? Go fend for yourself. Got a kid punching you in the face? LOLOL, not my problem. My school was once in the paper because the head teacher ignored a girl who was beaten up at school, by a boy. The girl has since moved schools.

I would like extra time on my exams, but because I'm in the higher sets, they probably won't see me as someone who needs help with exams and just put me off. :guilty:

Hence the reason why you should go to a dr. I told my school my issue and it was a nightmare. Confidentiality completely failed.
I never really told anyone that I get distracted - I really do. Say I'm in school. I'll get distracted by nearly anything, both since I'm bored in class or for some other reason (can't explain). I wonder if that is why I forget so easily (literally seconds after someone says something, or something happens) and have trouble learning.

I think being bored in class is the most common reason for getting distracted at school. For getting distracted while typing something, which is the case for wolfdragon97 here, then it sounds like she might have a medical condition affecting her concentration levels.
You have a simple choice.

Don't go and see someone and carrying on thinking what you do at the moment, not knowing if you do have ADD and if you do how you can deal with it.

Or go and see someone and get some answers. No matter how crap your school is there will be someone you can speak too, if you think you don't know how you feel about school then this is where I have been the past 5 years. Or go and see your GP, they have to keep confidentiality by law if you are 16 or over.

Its your own health and future, all of the answers on here can't give you a definitive answer you have posted on here and are aware of it, so you need to take it into your own hands and do something.