Addicted to Facebook? Look no further.

2.2L Camry
Xbox??? Who is this Xbox??
Hey guys,

So, I finally admitted to myself that I may be addicted to Facebook and waste time on the internet. So, I Googled on how to stop wasting time on the internet and found this:

This program blocks most of the internet's time wasting websites (Youtube, FB, Myspace, MSN, etc) and can be customized to block whatever you want.

The good thing is, that its tamper free, and if it detects that you are trying to tamper with it, it extends your time blocked.

I currently have it set until March 7th. I will post a daily report on how I'm doing. I strongly encourage others to join me for the benefit of all of us and our time.
If you get fed up of waiting you could always use another computer??? ;) Your welcome.

-.- It's only for people who feel they have an addiction to Facebook and want to try and cut down. People in my schol are so addicted to Facebook that today there was some girl on her phone, asking for answers. #WTFFFFFF
I'm not addicted as in too much use.. I spend too much time refreshing the page and reading stuff.
Addicted to Facebook? Look no further.

Ermmm....not really. Just this site.

Any how, what happened to will power these days? Just turn of the blooming computer! more post then I'll have a shower....
I hope it doesn't block GTPlanet...

I think it's possible to block whatever site you want, so you could block GTP.

But only if you have something you really need to get done and GTP is constantly distracting you... I would know about this. :lol:
If you was really so distracted by this site, say, during exam revision, you could always request a temporary ban.
Yeah, it's called the "get out side and kick a ball around/ ride a bike/ date a girl and see some sunshine." app. ;)
The internet never knows if you were being sarcastic. After all, it's all machines connected together by this "realm" we call the internet.
Then I guess this applies...


... thanks for turning this thread off topic... Anyways, anyone want to join me in this?

The only real site I have problems with is GTP, obviously :P Perhaps it could be a use to me someday, where I'll have to temporarily shut down addictive features to focus on important matters.

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