Adobe 6.1 - 7.0 Callbacks

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United States
Adobe Systems, Inc, makers of the popular computer graphics program Photoshop, announced on Friday that they have compiled and submitted a list of more than 25,000 Internet Protocol (IP) addresses with duplicate serial numbers for versions six and seven of their product. A spokesman from Adobe says "We installed what is called a 'callback' on Photoshop to try and curb piracy. It essentially sends installation information to our servers upon first use." The FBI plans to work with national and local Internet Service Providers (ISP) to find and convict those responsible

Better watch out, you better not cry, cuz santa claus is coming... to town!

Anyone else use firewalls and get these annoying adobe signals trying to get in and out?

I did so I decided to do some research and I found that information above..
hmmm,... 25,000 x what? $200 per? Jesh, why would they be upset? :lol: :P

This isn't that big of a deal,.... they need to be concentrating on busting people for distributing $3500 AutoCAD programs for nothing,... rather than this petty stuff IMO.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
hmmm,... 25,000 x what? $200 per? Jesh, why would they be upset? :lol: :P

This isn't that big of a deal,.... they need to be concentrating on busting people for distributing $3500 AutoCAD programs for nothing,... rather than this petty stuff IMO.

$600 per.
Yeah, but it's actually designed for professional design studios and webbased companies. Not the public.
With the help of our Photoshop Help forum, of course! Duh!:dunce:

But it's not a very difficult program to operate, which doesn't mean the software itself isn't unimaginably complex! And of course it requires that artist's touch. ;)
Originally posted by sn00pie
Dude! Design firms need it.

I know! But if you want to learn and develop a portfolio without paying a school, you'd have to spend $600.00 just to have a chance. That's excludes a lot of people who would really have something to offer the world of design and/or the internet. If I hadn't gotten it from work I'd never would've gotten it.
I thought about this in my head.

If they were to bust everyone with illegal copy of adobe, that would cost them more money then they would make off the people I'm sure.

And I know for a fact that more than 25,000 people have it bootlegged lol
"To say that I live in one place would be wrong. I live everywhere. I know everything. You might call me omnisciently omnipresent. Well, anyway, I live South of Boston. That's in Massachusetts, USA for all you foreigners or mentally retarded Americans"

Say Hi to Will Hunting for me :lol:
I haven't seen him in a while.

It's funny that my location takes up more space than my posts and nearly every one else's posts.

Also amazing is the fact that I couldn't fit one more leter into that location and I made it up on the fly! It couldn't have come out more perfect. Well, I would have liked to have put a period in it, but oh well.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
hmmm,... 25,000 x what? $200 per? Jesh, why would they be upset? :lol: :P

This isn't that big of a deal,.... they need to be concentrating on busting people for distributing $3500 AutoCAD programs for nothing,... rather than this petty stuff IMO.

Yeah, Photoshop is around $500-600US.

$3500 AutoCAD programs? uh oh, good thing I didn't go for Adobe products like that*runs away*
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
They're going to prosecute 25 thousand people? Sweet. I can't wait to see this.

*News flash!* Adobe is the first company to have their own court system and prison system. Any unfortunate people who are caught breaking Adobe Law are sent to Adobe Prison for 50 years, 1 meal a day, 1 bath a month, and 50 geeks per cell.*End news flash*