Ahhhhhh!!!! How Does It Know!!!!!

I saw this on someone's sig at a Supra Forum.


PHP can be used to generate images. It can also tell where you are comming from and if the creator wanted to get really creative, he could have had it ARP you and get your MAC addy too.
There are certain set variables in PHP that give you this information.They are:
$_SERVER["REMOTE ADDR"] for the IP address
$_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] gives you the browser and operating system (mine is reporting Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; T312461))

From those two bits, you can extract the data that is in that image (not sure about the ISP though, that could be the a simple reverse-lookup of the IP address. If you're a PHP coder, you can get this information using the function phpinfo().

And then, as flohtingPoint says, you dynamically create the image.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
From those two bits, you can extract the data that is in that image (not sure about the ISP though, that could be the a simple reverse-lookup of the IP address. If you're a PHP coder, you can get this information using the function phpinfo().

Yea, probably just uses an nslookup console command, then takes the string and finds the 2nd delimiter (right to left) in it and cuts it after that.
Phew! I was panicking there. The last time I looked at it it said, "You have a problem with authority, Mr Anderson". I know that's from the Matrix, but it happens to be my name too. I thought, "****, how does it know that?"

However, this time it's saying, "No, I am a meat popsicle."

So that's OK then. :)
That would be a freaky experience. I hate the fact that someone could know what I'm using. It makes you feel as though they could roam your pc now... or now.... or now. See, no security is a problem and gives me a little sense of wonder and kind of scares me.
Originally posted by toyomatt84
That would be a freaky experience. I hate the fact that someone could know what I'm using. It makes you feel as though they could roam your pc now... or now.... or now. See, no security is a problem and gives me a little sense of wonder and kind of scares me.

Matt, if you're that worried about your security you could score yourself a Cisco 2514. Its a 2 port router you can use to cut off all incomming traffic, that way no one can attack your box, and if they do get your ip, they just have your routers anyway, as your box will be a non-routable IP like 192.168.x.x
ahhh it's the government. They have found us with that tracking device. We must flea. quckly put your tinfoll hats on so they can't track us anymore:lol:
Originally posted by flohtingPoint
Matt, if you're that worried about your security you could score yourself a Cisco 2514. Its a 2 port router you can use to cut off all incomming traffic, that way no one can attack your box, and if they do get your ip, they just have your routers anyway, as your box will be a non-routable IP like 192.168.x.x

No, it will report the WAN IP address of the router. This is what the image does to me with my Linksys Router.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
No, it will report the WAN IP address of the router. This is what the image does to me with my Linksys Router.

Thats what I said right?

and if they do get your ip, they just have your routers anyway, as your box will be a non-routable IP like 192.168.x.x

Your router (Linksys, and other home use mulit-port routers act more like Layer 3 switches, but for this sake well use router) will hold the IP addy from your ISP and then pass the traffic to and from your isp and your designated non-routable subnet. If I were to tracert your IP you get handed to you from your ISP I would find your router.

you should go to friggin www.ebaumsworld.com and go to ESP, now that's friggin scary.

I scoped it out. Not hard to do, each round they tell you to subtract the number you thought of so all they have to do is know what they told you to add or subtract before that.

Like this:
Think of a number...............
Add 14...............
Subtract 2..........
Add 1...........
Subtract 7.........
Subtract the number you thought of................
You're left with 6

Think of it in terms of algebra. X + 14 - 2 + 1 - 7 - X = 6
Already you can cancel out the X's and you're just left with a true statement after that.
Originally posted by toyomatt84
That would be a freaky experience. I hate the fact that someone could know what I'm using. It makes you feel as though they could roam your pc now... or now.... or now. See, no security is a problem and gives me a little sense of wonder and kind of scares me.

accutaly the only one who see whatever is on the image is you.
so no one but you will see your ip isp and whatnot, its just a simple image from the server, the puts info from your pc on it, and then it is sent to your pc for viewing.


(or something along those lines anyways)