AI performance on Course Maker tracks

  • Thread starter Arp 273
I think the AI does a pretty good job of driving on the Course Maker tracks. They follow a good line and are aware of elevation changes. Quite impressive bit of programming.

Just had the best AI experience I've had on GT6. 3 lap Arcade (professional, real). Me in a stock M4, the rabbit in a Yellowbird. Fighting for 2 full laps, each lap over 4:00 minutes. I was on his tail, couldn't get past. That was good fun. Gained the lead by him tail sliding on the grass. Lost the lead by him drafting past me and holding his line, giving me nowhere to go.

Track: Science Park Street Circuit!/friend/ARP_273/course/

Maybe you guys can try this track and see how the AI does?

Anybody else with a similair experience?
Not yet, but I'm very curious to find out how the fields come up and how they perform given user-created tracks.
If the AI are working to satisfy - and that is a really subjective conclusion, more based on what individual players want from their AI than some set standard by the AI Institute (no, there really isn't one defining it for racing AI yet :sly: ) - then this opens up a whole new field of racing in the game.
It seems like we have almost an unlimited number of tracks to race the AI on. And a helluva choice of cars to tease them with.

Do we have time for eating? :crazy:
On my tracks, I use LMPs and GT1 cars. I have yet to catch the Chaparral 2J straight up yet. It always leads me by 5 seconds or so. It's great trying to catch up to it and having 1-2 cars right behind you. If only Arcade had tire/fuel depletion and damage. I wouldn't even need online mode at that point.
I keep clicking Seasonal Events by mistake, out of habit, instead of Arcade mode.
Must be quiet online at the moment, I think PD saw it coming when they reduced the Seasonals...

The NSX-R prototype is hard to catch in lower classes, haven't tried racing classes or even point to point yet.
Best races I've had, racing at around 500PP, a Yellowbird and/or F40 has been in the field.
Wish they'd bring back the 600PP Huayra/Enzo/Aventador/Zonda/etc crew, they were my favourites from the seasonals.

AI back markers still do have the occasional bit of loitering on the apex behaviour, but it seems to get less and less.
:gtpflag:Great to see we're having fun with the AI on our own tracks!:cheers:

If the AI are working to satisfy - and that is a really subjective conclusion, more based on what individual players want from their AI than some set standard by the AI Institute (no, there really isn't one defining it for racing AI yet :sly: ) - then this opens up a whole new field of racing in the game.
It seems like we have almost an unlimited number of tracks to race the AI on. And a helluva choice of cars to tease them with.

Do we have time for eating? :crazy:
I think what most of us want from the AI is close racing, with evenly matched cars in a group, wrestling for position. AI skill/speed should be configurable to just above our ability, so we have something to aim for. I understand PD tried an other solution, with AI that adapts, but that doesn't always produce satisfying results.

Today on the same track, slightly wet this time, 2 fast rabbits started in the middle of the grid. Once I got past them they woke up and were re-passing me left and right, but I could out brake them because they were (too) carefull in the wet. This time the AI was on my tail for 2,5 laps. It was great feeling the pressure, I could swear the blue ABT Audi was angry at me..:scared:

I need to experiment more with different cars, tracks and settings to find combinations that work. Is the AI better on wide tracks with long straights, or on tight twisty tracks? I've made both, now where did the time go..?
Anyone try and adding weight to their cars to give a handicap to the AI? I was driving the AI on my Lake View course, and the GT-R Anniversary Edition gave my R8 LMS a run for it's money. Good fun.
I’ve had the same experience as well. I only run spec races (lots of RB Jr) to keep everything fair. I raced Pro settings (full grid of RB Jr cars) in arcade on one of my tracks and it was a knock-down, drag out fight to the finish. A fast last corner leading onto a the front stretch saw every opponent drafting and passing the entire race. I won but the top 5 were all covered by no more than .5 Sec. I think a lot of it came down to the track layout facilitating that type of racing. In any event, I’ve really been enjoying the track maker so far.
I had a cracker of an Arcade race last night on my own Surfers Paradise Indy layout with the AI using the Senna WRS cars. (no tuning)!/friend/RobUrabus/course/1295181/
one of the corner combinations seemed to slow them up a bit more than required but through the rest of the circuit they were really competitive, held their lines well and didn't back out if we were two wide going into a corner, but also didn;t crash into you.

I'm going to run the same race with the Lotus 97T tonight as it's always been a tough car to drive without any tuning and see how we all go.

yes the thing has got it's limitations, but it's got a good base and is easy enough to get some good layouts
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I had a cracker of an Arcade race last night on my own Surfers Paradise Indy layout with the AI using the Senna WRS cars. (no tuning)!/friend/RobUrabus/1295181/
one of the corner combinations seemed to slow them up a bit more than required but through the rest of the circuit they were really competitive, held their lines well and didn't back out if we were two wide going into a corner, but also didn;t crash into you.

I'm going to run the same race with the Lotus 97T tonight as it's always been a tough car to drive without any tuning and see how we all go.

yes the thing has got it's limitations, but it's got a good base and is easy enough to get some good layouts
Can't download the track - get a 404 every time I try. :(
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Try it now.
I subbed the /us/ for /au/

it's a flakey way of doing it. PD / PSN need to give us a "copy url" button
Well, it looks like it's still trial and error in both car and track selection to find close racing with the AI. Most of the time I'm in 2nd place after the first lap and the lead rabbit is an easy catch the next lap. Worst was a > 1 minute lead over the fastest AI car in a 3 lap rac3. Sometimes it's the other way around, and the fastest rabbit disappear in the distance. The algorithm to choose the AI cars could use some tuning. It could be difficult because there is a big variance in performance of stock cars with the similar pp.

It's still nice to drive with the AI on my own tracks and try to influence them with specific track features. AI likes long straights and will overtake, problem areas are braking zones and corner speeds (nothing new there). They will make mistakes on difficult corners and mess up the landing after a jump. Never saw that on the standard tracks, or at least not as much.

I've had some fun by downgrading tires (SH to CS) and applying power limiter. Closer racing and easier for the AI to keep up. I think turning of ABS would make it even closer, normally I only do that for older cars.

When the AI field is too easy it might help to quit the race and restart. Usually you will get a stronger field. Anybody have any other tips or tricks?
I have had great races with the AI in Arcade but even better ones when using the glitch to run a user created track in one of the Championship series races. I especially like those because the cars are often much better suited to racing together as opposed to some of the weird randomness that you get in Arcade. I really wish that Polyphony would allow us to fill the starting grid with cars from our garage. Because they don't, I usually enjoy races like GT500 and GT300 the most.

I have found the AI to be much more aggressive on some of the user created tracks and they tend to fight back more when I go for a pass or have just completed one. Their weakness is still braking too soon and slowing too much for the corners but on user created tracks they seem to blow through a few of the corner more like RL drivers.
I have also experienced better AI racing on user created tracks. The only conclusion I could come to is that the tracks included in the game (both PD created and real) have some code built into sections of the track which program where the AI will brake, accelerate, let you pass, etc.

Our user tracks probably contain basic markers for this but they are triggered by different changes to the track. This would be similar to the time splits in TPE where small changes to the track can alter how the splits are laid out or even included at all.
I've noticed the AI rabbit is usually way ahead and the race is a two car chase. For some tricky tight sections the backmarker AI are all cross upped and in the weeds. But good fun, never used Arcade for racing much before Course Maker.
I had a great set of races on one of the Glitched courses (point to point), with the narrow road width, the AI were running mostly side by side for the first section of the track.
Once I'd gotten past cleanly they seemed pretty aggressive at shutting the door both inside and out when trying to pass.

As above the lead car was miles off into the distance, and I just couldn't catch it on the 1st run,
managed to battle with it on the second but i over-cooked one of the lats corners all by myself and went off for 2nd again.
finally got the win on te 3rd go
I think what most of us want from the AI is close racing, with evenly matched cars in a group, wrestling for position.

Sounds like NASCAR. :lol:

Which reminds me - anyone tried the NASCAR AI on a custom track?

@Arp 273 - linked this thread to the CM Help Desk. 👍
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Thanks for the link @photonrider 👍

I still enjoy racing the AI on my custom tracks and figuring out combinations of track, car and tires that produce fun races. And it's funny to see the AI struggling with some corners or jumps (or a sharp corner right after a jump :mischievous:)

I really wish we had some/more AI settings to match our car and skills. Sometimes the rabbit(s) are too fast, mostly they are too slow. However, it's always possible to downtune your own car to match the AI (lower grade tires, power limiter, weight). I've found that lowering tire grade for me gives the most fun as your cornering speed is closer to the AI and your exit speed is lower so they can catch you on a straight.

For example, today, a 3 lap race with Skyline GT-R Nurb (in stunning white) with CS tires where I had to push hard from the beginning against AI on SH tires. I won, top 3 within 0.3 seconds, and they flew past me just after the finish line.

On TPE/CM tracks it looks like often the fastest AI cars start mid pack and they get faster when you get faster. There is a lot of trickery going on in the background.. :odd: I wonder if there is separate AI programming for standard tracks and CM tracks (and even the seasonal A-spec races, but that's a whole other topic, best discussed in the AI hub :P)

Have not yet tried NASCAR, not even sure if this gives a full field of NASCAR or just race cars.
Thanks for the link
On TPE/CM tracks it looks like often the fastest AI cars start mid pack and they get faster when you get faster. There is a lot of trickery going on in the background.. :odd: I wonder if there is separate AI programming for standard tracks and CM tracks (and even the seasonal A-spec races, but that's a whole other topic, best discussed in the AI hub :P)

It seems like the AI keeps track of your place. Once you get up the 3rd the AI increases the pace and when you reach 1st they increase it further.

But I don't know if it's unique for the course maker tracks. I think the AI performs so well on those tracks because they know the track from the start, while the player often don't. The AI also benefits from long straights and wide radius corners, it's usually in the sharper corners that they lose time.
There's a few cars you can select to get a full field of the same car.
Gran Turismo F1 cars.
Ayrton senna's Lotus 97T F1.
Ayrton senna's WSR F3.
Any Redbull car (the JR's are a blast).
Nascar (cars).
Not sure if there's any more.
It's a shame we can't get a full grid of the LCC Rocket or Caterham (or any car for that matter).
If I recall correctly, Super GT cars get other Super GT cars.
And I agree, Redbull JR is one of the most fun racecars to drive in GT6.
Same as the GT500, GT300 & GT3 (only if you select the AMG for some reason) classes from the courtesy car list.
I just tried this out and yes, you get a field of NASCAR's. The AI pulls its usual stunts but it's not as bad as in career mode.I left the car unmodified except for max aero, and reduced power to 600pp. Give it a try on my track, you'll be surprised, professional level is a whole lot of fun

The NASCAR's are a lot of fun to drive and the AI does quite well indeed. I tried downloading your track but it didn't work. Please see this tread on how to fix the link:

The AI also benefits from long straights and wide radius corners, it's usually in the sharper corners that they lose time.

They either slow down too much, or not enough and drift wide through the grass. I've seen several NASCAR's do just that. Especially on turns to the right.. :P

Not sure if there's any more.
It's a shame we can't get a full grid of the LCC Rocket or Caterham (or any car for that matter).

The SRT Thomahawk(s) should give a field with all the same cars too. It would be great to have a 'one make' option in arcade mode.