Aircraft/building crash in New York City

  • Thread starter Duke
Wow, I doubt it's terrorist related. But still not cool that people were hurt.
yea i was watching CNN for a bit when i came home from school. Im guessing its an accident too but the govt isnt taking chances and they are sending fighter jets to patrol big cities
Have been watching BBC World on and off while watching Denmark play Liechtenstein...

I highly doubt this is but an accident.. Still sad, but _that_ **** happens from time to time..
CNN reported that it was New York Yankees' pitcher Cory Lidle that crashed into the building. He reportedly died on impact.

I just heard this not long ago. This story is pretty nuts, especially that they found his passport on the street below.
Wow. This is horrible, the man was on the most prestigious team in the league, and making tons of money, and he's dead... god bless his soul.
Don't know if I'm allowed to be funny...but...I guess someone's sad that the Yankees lost.

Seriously though, freaked me out for a bit when I saw the headline "Aircraft hits New York building" again, my condolences go out to the dead and injured. Good to know it wasn't another major incident.

I find it strange that the aircraft would just fly into the building though - did something go wrong mechanically or something? Word is there was an SOS sent out, so I would like to rule out any wrongdoing but...I wouldn't imagine aircraft would normally fly so low over NYC (only 20 stories up...), but I wouldn't know if that were true honestly.
Well, Yankee stadium is located in the Bronx borough. Supposely, the plain hit the building near 73rd on the east side (upper side), so is not like they were far from the stadium and the pilot was already going at a low altitude by the time he had problems.

Yankees lost, Joe Torre almost got fired, A-Rod was on a string, and now this....My condolences to his family and all the Yankee community.

The mayday was for a fuel problem. My guess is that there was probably some kind of pump malfunction, and they just glided as far as they could until the building got in the way.
We trade him to the Yankees( the Phillies ) He was learning to fly here...before the trade he took one of our news guys for a is so crazy at times...they were showing the tape llast night he was doing the pre flight..btw supposedly the plane they where in ..the instructor and Lidle ran out of gas..the instructor was probibly the one trying to put it down before it hit a building ..they landed ...both of them in the street below after the plane hit ..