all races completed, still 99.8%?

Well, i've completed every race in GT4 and have checked multiple times that this is the case and i haven't missed anything, yet still i'm stuck on 99.8% which means that i should have 1 more race to do. (All missions are completed as well by the way). Just wondering if i could get any help regarding this i.e. common places i might be missing, glitches etc. Thanks for any help in advance.
Did you do Mission 1 before all the other missions. If not, there is a bug where the percentage for it does not show.
I'd thought that only affected US releases...

When you say you've checked, what precisely have you checked?
I've checked that everything is completed, so all manufacturer races, endurance, missions etc. If the glitch is in operation here, does that stop me from completing the game, even though i have?
I've checked that everything is completed, so all manufacturer races, endurance, missions etc.

Yes, but how have you checked? There's three different ways to do it.

If the glitch is in operation here, does that stop me from completing the game, even though i have?

Yes - though I've never heard of the Mission-1-glitch outside the US, and even then only very rarely indeed.
Sorry for not being very specific, i wasn't aware of differing ways of going about it. Basically, i looked in the races to see that i had gold on each race, and that there were no races which i had not competed in.

If this is the case, its very annoying indeed.
Sorry for not being very specific, i wasn't aware of differing ways of going about it. Basically, i looked in the races to see that i had gold on each race, and that there were no races which i had not competed in.

If this is the case, its very annoying indeed.

You'll be pleased to know that, inevitably, this is the least reliable way of doing it! :lol: Bronzes can look like golds.

The way I'd do it is, assuming you haven't sold any of them, print off the prize car list for the PAL region from our Wiki and check that you have one of each in your garage. This rules out every "Single Race" series (where you must compete in individual races) - and to be honest it does sound like you've missed one of the one-racers, like the Midget Race, Subaru 360 Race, Like the Wind, an Endurance or one of the Tsukuba Wet Special Conditions races - and every instance where you might have mistakenly done individual races and not won a Championship race.

Once you've confirmed that you've done every Single Race series and at least won every Championship race, it's just a case of flicking through the championships and looking very closely at any potential bronzes. Hoik the brightness right up on your TV too.
i was stuck on 99.8%, and i thought that i had done every race, i went through every race about 6 times, but it took me until the seventh or eighth time, to find the race that i had bronze

please don't feel silly if you find that, it's okay, it's one of the most common things on GT4, probably 8 of every 10 people get stuck at 99.8% and find a bronze cup

also just incase you didn't know, [which i think by having 99.8% you would] but even if you have got Gold in each championship, you have to come back to it and clean up by getting all gold in them, but as i said, i think you do know that

also by the way, the licence tests don't go to your percentage but i think you know that aswell:)

i hope this information helps you;)
One that is very easy to miss is the Triumph races in the UK maufacturers. You have to scroll to the far right of the screen. I only say this because I missed it for ages!
In 99.8% this issue is caused by people just overlooking things (bronze cup, races completed but championship missing ...)
Thank you all for the advice, i must say that i have been extremely thorough with checking that they are Gold and not bronze but i shall try the techniques described above and hopefully it is the case that i have missed on as you say.
Well i was rather instilled with hope after your comments and was expecting to find i was just overlooking something. However after checking my cars and looking through everything fastidiously there are no bronze cups and i have won all races and championships.
Check your diary. You have a race that is part of a championship and the race is third. You won the championship so you have the prize car, but one race in the championship is bronze. Guaranteed.

In the diary, winning a race gives you a trophy stamp. You'll find one race with no trophy stamp on any attempt.
Well i've tried all of the above methods and just tried looking again usuing the diary and went through every race by looking again and i can't find the bronze race. I did do mission 1 first it seems so that rules out that glitch, and it must be me not being able to see the bronze race; however, this must be virtually impossible seeing as i've checked a dozen times now.
I also have the same problem. I have used all the advice read on this thread and I have absolutely finished every race in 1st position and every championship. Still stuck on 99.8%.
If you have a MaxDrive, (or you could buy one?), you could upload your gamesave and get someone else to independently check it for you? I was going to say what nige said above - very easy to miss that one...
That's a good idea but i really wouldn't want to bother someone and take up their time with my problems. Its very frustrating that i can't find this one race, or that the game simply wont allow me to complete it. Thanks for everyone's ongoing advice.
That's a good idea but i really wouldn't want to bother someone and take up their time with my problems.

Now, come on. 95% of everyone here has no life, including me. If most of us leisurely sit on the computer 6 hours a day, we can take a 15 minutes to quadruple check your races.
That's a good idea but i really wouldn't want to bother someone and take up their time with my problems. Its very frustrating that i can't find this one race, or that the game simply wont allow me to complete it. Thanks for everyone's ongoing advice.

It wouldn't be a problem. In fact, between us all we could probably find someone who lives close enough to you to go round and check with you!

PM me your location, if you want, and I'll see who's closest,
I double checked the VW races and found that if i could do them as a series then i had, the GTI cup was only available as single races though.

TVR, I got my Manufactures mixed up a little. Its the Audi TT races that is a championship with only 3 races.
Have you cleared this championship? The prize car for winning the championship is the the AUDI Le Mans Quattro '03. If you have it in your garage then it rules out this idea.
The last thing I can suggest, other than a MaxDrive, is to download my Race Database, print it off (at work, to save on the ink/toner) and sit with your diary manually ticking off each race and championship as it appears in your diary. Labourious, but effective.
Markos et al, I found my bronze medal in the Lotus Manufacturer's series. I had been over these races a dozen times, and missed seeing that bronze. So as suggested elsewhere, crank up the color and constrast on your TV set, and studiously go through each and every possible race. Maybe download and print a copy of all the races and check them off as you go through the game. You'll find it unless you happen to have one of those mystery bugs like the purportd one in the Missions section.

So now, I'm 100%...but where were the naked trophy girls?

Has anyone else noticed that there are no females in GT?
Hey Yamouchi, I'd have settled for a few less graphic trees in exchange for some buxom babes in the winner's circle.