Alternative to Oculus Rift

  • Thread starter Cote Dazur
The oculus rift is a good project but with its 90° FOV it's not interesting at all specially for simracers who already play with 3 screens...

When I saw your topic and realize that the FOV of this InfinitEye waw near 210° : :bowdown:
I think that this project would be perfect for simracers !

I took a picture from their facebook page :

The resolution is 1280*800 for each eye. If we assume that 60% of each eye is "redundant" then the perceived resolution is ~1792*800 (2560 - (60% x 1280)), a way better than the oculus.
The oculus rift is a good project but with its 90° FOV it's not interesting at all specially for simracers who already play with 3 screens...

You are likely speaking for yourself on that one. From my impressions on the iRacing forum, most sim racers would give up their triple screens for an oculus rift with better resolution. I know that I would. At least one iRacer has given up his triple screens for the current dev kit.

When I saw your topic and realize that the FOV of this InfinitEye waw near 210° : :bowdown:
I think that this project would be perfect for simracers !

The resolution is 1280*800 for each eye. If we assume that 60% of each eye is "redundant" then the perceived resolution is ~1792*800 (2560 - (60% x 1280)), a way better than the oculus.

With over twice the fov and only twice the resolution per eye, the pixel density is probably not any better than the Oculus dev kit. That makes it pretty well useless in its current state.

While this looks like a very interesting project, both Oculus and Sony have a huge head start both in development and funding.
Every Year I go to the Laval Festival specialized in augmented reality. I tried a lot of "virtual reality headsets". The first time you put it on your head it's magic ! It really feels like you are in the game !

From the beginning I love the oculus project. They use a really good algorithm with accelerometers and gryoscopes because the headset seems to respond really well and it doesn't seem to drift at all ! Nevertheless, there is one thing that bothers me : their "sreens orientation" ! If I remember well in the oculus, you have a 1280*800 (developer kit) wich means 640*800 for each eye oriented like this :
_____ _____
|xxxxx| |xxxxx|
|xxLxx| |xxRxx|
|xxxxx| |xxxxx|
|xxxxx| |xxxxx|

The perceived resolution is ~ 896*800 (if we assume that 60% of each eye is "redundant" : 1280 - (60% x 640)) = 896). When I said that the infiniteye was better I wasn't talking about "pixels" I was talking about ratio ! If you think of it, playing with oculus is even worth than playing on an old 4/3 display ! Of course you have head movements tracked so the immersion is really good etc... but that's not my point here.

Personally, watching my legs or watching birds is not the thing I want to do when I play a racing sim or even a FPS... Today, we all use 16/9 or 16/10 displays because it's more appropriate to the human view. A lot of players have a 3 screens config with a ratio of 48/9 or 48/10 because it is even more appropriate to the human view.

When I watch this video [] I found it exciting and I really want to try it but my brains keeps telling me that the screen should do a 90° rotation ! It has no sense to view my entire legs and all of this sky ! I prefer to see more on the lateral sides !

For the oculus consumer version, they are talking about a 1920*1080 (960*1080 for each eye), the problem is still the same.

I'm not saying that oculus isn't good for racing games. I'm just saying that if a simracer tries a virtual headset with a 1.12 ratio (~896/800 for the oculus) and another one with a 2.24 ratio (~1792/800 for the infiniteye) I have ABSOLUTELY no doubt that he will choose the 2.24 ratio.
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The oculus rift is a good project but with its 90° FOV it's not interesting at all specially for simracers who already play with 3 screens...

When I saw your topic and realize that the FOV of this InfinitEye waw near 210° : :bowdown:
I think that this project would be perfect for simracers !

I took a picture from their facebook page :

The resolution is 1280*800 for each eye. If we assume that 60% of each eye is "redundant" then the perceived resolution is ~1792*800 (2560 - (60% x 1280)), a way better than the oculus.

Was totally in love with Oculus concept till I saw that chart, and better resolution as well? Just... dang son, dat's tight!

Maybe Oculus blew the cover off too early and now copycat "me too" products are already finding ways to improve upon a product that still is yet to be released. Maybe its time to cash out... If the support that developers are building into new platforms is naitive to any kind of head-mounted-display (not just to the Rift), I don't see how Oculus could be competitive to products that are in the pipeline that tout these kind of specs.
Every Year I go to the Laval Festival specialized in augmented reality. I tried a lot of "virtual reality headsets". The first time you put it on your head it's magic ! It really feels like you are in the game !

From the beginning I love the oculus project. They use a really good algorithm with accelerometers and gryoscopes because the headset seems to respond really well and it doesn't seem to drift at all ! Nevertheless, there is one thing that bothers me : their "sreens orientation" ! If I remember well in the oculus, you have a 1280*800 (developer kit) wich means 640*800 for each eye oriented like this :
_____ _____
|xxxxx| |xxxxx|
|xxLxx| |xxRxx|
|xxxxx| |xxxxx|
|xxxxx| |xxxxx|

The perceived resolution is ~ 896*800 (if we assume that 60% of each eye is "redundant" : 1280 - (60% x 640)) = 896). When I said that the infiniteye was better I wasn't talking about "pixels" I was talking about ratio ! If you think of it, playing with oculus is even worth than playing on an old 4/3 display ! Of course you have head movements tracked so the immersion is really good etc... but that's not my point here.

Personally, watching my legs or watching birds is not the thing I want to do when I play a racing sim or even a FPS... Today, we all use 16/9 or 16/10 displays because it's more appropriate to the human view. A lot of players have a 3 screens config with a ratio of 48/9 or 48/10 because it is even more appropriate to the human view.

When I watch this video [] I found it exciting and I really want to try it but my brains keeps telling me that the screen should do a 90° rotation ! It has no sense to view my entire legs and all of this sky ! I prefer to see more on the lateral sides !

For the oculus consumer version, they are talking about a 1920*1080 (960*1080 for each eye), the problem is still the same.

I'm not saying that oculus isn't good for racing games. I'm just saying that if a simracer tries a virtual headset with a 1.12 ratio (~896/800 for the oculus) and another one with a 2.24 ratio (~1792/800 for the infiniteye) I have ABSOLUTELY no doubt that he will choose the 2.24 ratio.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with anything you say here but you are making a different argument from your original post. Your original argument was that a sim racer would rather have triple screens than a rift with the current field of view. My point is that this certainly doesn't seem to be the case if the resolution is high enough.

The lateral field of view with the oculus is certainly an issue and there is more than enough vertical field of view but by far the biggest issue is the pixel density. The pixels are so large that you can see the colour elements. A car at 1s away is around 15pixels wide. The infiniteye has a lot more pixels but spread out over a much bigger area so I doubt the pixel density would be any better so it is currently useless. If Oculus can get a high enough resolution screen (I'm not sure 1080p will be enough) and don't drop the lateral fov, many many sim racers are going to drop their triple screens and go with the Rift. Infiniteye is going to be at least a year behind and will likely be considerably more expensive. I'd pay more for better fov but I'm not waiting a year.
I don't think 1080p will be nearly enough considering how bad my 46 and 51inch tvs hold up. You can sense the pixel grid here also from less then a metre away. I suspect we will get the most competitive racers looking for an edge swear by their triple screen setups until we get 4k.

I still enjoy my 46 inch but there is a big price to pay
I think two larger screens is a short term solution for pixel density issues on head mounted displays until microdisplay manufacturers can catch up to the technological demands. I look at the pic above and see how far off the face this thing sits and think "thats bulky", but I am willing to sacrifice comfort for increased resolution and better field of view.
It just got even more interesting check this out. Every one wants in on the action and these are already wireless. Very simple yet effective way to make a VR headset and insert your smart device which is already 3D capable, Side by Side displaying of content gives you stereoscopic pictures. Head tracking movement tracking already in place in the form of gyroscopes and accelerometers. People will not wait around until Oculus is ready, this may not replace the Oculus for most gamers, but it will draw the consumers eyes, wallets and attention away from the Oculus for sure.

Cheers mates